Name: Scarlet Grimore Age: 18 Job: Local Animal Shop Keeper Personality: Scarlet is shy and reserved most of the time and rarely talks to people she doesn't know. These attitudes seem to fade once you get closer to her. She opens up and is actually a humble and kind person. She prefers the indoors and prefers books and animals over anything. She barely does physical activities as she has asthma. Being a newcomer, she is still finding her way and still settling in the new town she moved in. Appearance: Scarlet has a chesnut-colored hair that reaches her shoulders. She keeps a braid on the right side of her face that also reaches her shoulders. She wears a bluish-white dress that reaches her knees which is covered by black sweater which is only buttoned in the middle. She wears black shoes and skin tone stockings. History: Growing up in a city, there was never much to do. It was the same old routine everyday. As there was nothing to do, she requested her parents to buy her toys. Her parents refused and instead, bought her books. At first she didn't like a single one. She thought they were boring and dull but one book caught her eye. It's cover was a big red barn in the background, a tractor in the middle and a farmer surrounded by different farm animals. Ever since then, Scarlet dreamed to have a farm of her own but due to her having asthma, she was restricted to all the works farmers do. She then realized that she can still continue her dream of having animals and taking care of them by running an animal shop. Although her parents doesn't like her career she still continued it. She then moved to Prosper town to continue her dream. - Is that alright? :D Oh and sorry if I posted a bit late ^_^;