As the ring of the chat box chimed through the soundless room, he quietly re-situated himself into an upright position ever so slightly craning his neck forwards and squinting his pale blue eyes a little to read her message, not bothering to move the hair out of his face. It wasn't enough of a nuisance to put any energy into it anyway. And after a few long moments of processing her message he smirked and started to write his reply. [i]"You know, it's odd." "I've had the same feeling for the last few hours. I've been just sitting here, staring at the ceiling for the last two, not really knowing what to do about it. I have this odd... Blank feeling. Like the calm before a storm. It just doesn't seem.... Right." "And damn it woman, you've said worse before. You don't need to warn me."[/i] After the few moments it took to write, he slid back into his more comfortable position, once again laying his neck at an awkward angle and staring at the ceiling. "Heh, would you look at that..." he muttered. "A spider..." as a spider, - that took being small to an extreme - sprawled its way down its web and out of the pitch blackness only to perch on his forehead.