"Okay...remember to breath Adrian, remember to breath...that is the key!" A distant voice could be heard somewhere deep into the dark sewers, digging their way in all directions under the ruins of the city where Aurora's End now stood. The sound of heavy breathing came closer and closer, and soon the breathing wasn't the only thing heard; the sound of footsteps following the voice, something with four feet, something big and dangerous. It was a human being chased by what could only be described as one ugly rat, and the human was Adrian. The dark sewers were rarely used due to the darkness, but that was what they had Adrian for; he could see as good normal in darkness, though now he felt of little use running away. He cut a corner and turned around, pulling out his .22 Colt Revolver and making sure it was loaded. "Good...full chamber..." He muttered, and slowly backed away while aiming the gun where the rat would soon stand, ready to tear its teeth into Adrian. And as soon as its head poked around the corner, the gun was fired and a bullet penetrated the rat's skull, killing it instantly. "Who's the sewer rat now? Well, still you, you big-ass fucker..." Adrian appeared a few hours later back on the surface, dirty and smelly from his adventure down in the sewers, but it was worth it. He walked through the ruins of the once grand city and soon stood in front of the bus-entrance to his home. The old man standing on top of the bus examined the figure approaching the town, but quickly told the militia to lower their weapons. -"Adrian, good to see you alive and...well, just alive then. What did you find down in the sewers?" The old man said, for once with a pleasant attitude in his voice. Adrian looked up at him and patted at the backpack he was carrying. "More than usual, actually; tools, light bulbs, some old books, even some 9mm and .22 ammo. And a huge rat, so I'm expecting just a little more in return than usual." Adrian answered him, smiling up to him and wiping his face with a small napkin. He didn't mind the smell really, he was too used to it by now, but now he only wanted to get done with this and clean himself. Adrian was let through the gate without too much hassle, the militia searched him (to their great displeasure since he smelled like shit, literary) and let him on his way. The backpack he handed over to an armed man standing outside a rather well-kept building, the sheriff's office, while the guard told him with a smile that he could keep the .22 ammo, he had earned it. So with a smile on his face and a box of .22 ammo in his pocket, Adrian walked to the "The Pumphouse" to get a drink and clean himself. And he dearly needed it, as the first thing that hit the tavern once he entered was a disgusting smell of shit and sewage, coming from Adrian. "...Don't mind me, I'll get myself cleaned."