Jack nodded along with the conversation, pacing around the train car. "We need a base of operations for this one. And not the train, we don't want to be too obvious. If we're dealing with real witches and they decide to put us on their shit list, then we need to go somewhere hidden, somewhere they won't expect to find us." Jack spoke and looked to Ellie, smirking a bit. Jack had always been fairly decent at coming up with plans for his heists and other ventures before the guild, why wouldn't it work now. "We also need to tackle this investigation safely, but also in an intelligent manner. We should talk to the locals, find out what they know, find out what has been happening around town and who they suspect to be witches. From there we conduct our search." Jack nodded to himself and moved to look out the window of the train car. "We'd be fast if we each did our investigating on our own, but for safety's sake, we need to pair up, except for Ellie, she's more experienced than us and can handle her self if she is attacked by a group of witches." He paced again and rubbed his chin thoughtfully, there were many things to consider before they made any moves on this witch hunt. "We need to determine how real these witches are, how powerful they are if they are real, and the correct course of action. Like Ellie said, we can't go guns ablazin and kill whoever we expect on sight. We need to make the right choice and correct it accordingly." Jack had always thought himself a smart man, a thinker and a planner. By the time the train had stopped, Jack had his whole plan of attack figured out and he was ready to go ahead and start working as soon as he stepped off of the train. "Well, lets go to work, we don't have a lot of time to figure this out. As soon as we start asking questions, they will start to get suspicious. Huntsman, I want you to go with Briar Rose. She will be safest with you, as you have dealt with witches before. Little Red, you and I will team up, aside from Huntsman, you are one of the strongest on this team as well, don't let your fear control you on this one, if you let it control you we may all suffer for it. I'll be beside you the whole way. Ellie, you'll be on your own since you're overseeing this mission, and you're more experienced than all of us. We'll split up as soon as we unload and get to a safe house." Jack spoke one final time before smiling to the group, knowing they could pull it off. "If we can work together well enough, we can accomplish anything."