"Hey, watch where you're going, lady!" Melvin angrily barked at Deimos, sauntering out of the cart and approaching the half-elf on her horse, his alien black eyes slanted with annoyance. "What the hell were you doing standing in the middle of the road like that? It might be midnight, but there's still traffic to watch out for!" "Dude, chill out," his friend implored. "We just barely missed each other. As long as no one's hurt, there's no point in getting so angry." "If she does that again, it won't be my problem if she gets killed!" Melvin huffed angrily, then glanced back at the rising smoke from the temple he just laid ablaze. Noticing that Deimos was looking in that general direction as well, he realized that he needed to make a quick cover story. If he didn't, he was afraid that she would suspect them of being arsonists, especially since they were leaving the area in such a hurry. [i]Damn bimbo! Why did she have to pop out at the worst possible time!?[/i] the dark elf angrily thought as he put his improvisational skills to work. Aloud, he exclaimed, "Crap! I don't have time to be screwing around like this! I need to get to Izumo to find help! Get out of the way, woman! I'm in a hurry!" Melvin and his crew scurried back aboard the cart, and their horse whinnied as the horseman commanded it to move.