Miranda looked between her friends, and back at the man she was tied so closely to now. There was an unreadable expression on her face, as if going bacjkwards in her mind. Finally, the philly seemed to finally given in, injured soldiers sinking down. "I know I can," she said, awfully quiet. "I didn't think I'd ever get to..." "Excellent!" Lola clapped her hands, and put a hand on Hilde's shoulder. "Hilde, darling, why don't you go take miss Miranda to my room, and see what fits." Hilde's eyes sparkled, the idea of a life-sized doll flooding her images. Miranda suddenly felt like the dresser's manniquin as her friend happily dragged her into the back, cooing in a girly like fashion. "Oh Stuff it, would you?" the blond sighed, before she vanished. Lola chuckled, and drifted back up to Khaylan. "Like I said, I need to check a few things before I can let you go." She started checking his vitals, and lit a match for him to follow with his eyes. "Perhaps some clarification is in order," she said softly. "What if I told you that Miss Miranda isn't as new to the court system as you think? In fact, would you believe she used to be an active participant."