The woman laughed lightly at that. "Think nothing of it," she responded. "I have enough food to feed the two of you and your Pokemon. No worries there. I would have offered, but I was worried you'd think I had some ulterior motive." She said the second part teasingly, having heard the small conversation between the two. Excellent hearing honed from years within the forest, looking out for injured Pokemon. Opening the door for the two of them, she allowed them to enter. "The Potions and stuff are on the table in the back. Help yourself to those," she stated. "I can get working on something for us all to eat." While the two were heading back, though, Leon seemed distracted. He went to the table quickly, going through the bottles on the table and then took a small green one, looking at it carefully. Satisfied that it was the right one, he turned back to Rasca. "Drink this. It's an Antidote. That Beedrill stung you, right?" he asked. He hadn't noticed at first, caught up in the battle and then their savior, but he had taken a closer look at Rasca and Superior after assessing his Pokemons' status. "It might not hurt much now, but it'll be serious later if you let the poison spread. They're known for having a particularly deadly Poison Sting." He wouldn't let it go until she had accepted the small bottle from him and drank it. Only then, he'd turn himself back to the attention of the Potions and Super Potions, selecting what he thought each of the injured Pokemon needed.