[center][img=http://s6.postimg.org/a69rjg31t/gggg.jpg] [/center] Deimos’s horse scraped his hoof against the pavement nervously as the dark elf sauntered towards them in a steam of fury. She felt the same, unsettling nerve, inside of her gut as he chastised her harshly, although her expression remained composed and clam. Maybe it was the fact that she was on a 1500 pound animal that she felt no need to flee into the night. She scrunched her noise as the smell of the fire worsened, a few black floating particles from the fire would fall onto her shoulders and crumble into a black sand. Before his friend could implore his own urgency, she responded with a scowl. “ Agree to disagree, [i] boy [/i], it looks as if I’m not the only one out on the road at midnight who wasn’t watching for traffic. It's Deimos, by the way.“ Deimos paused her own speech when his friend had interrupted, cooling the tensions between the two. She ignored Melvin's next remark, catching wind that there was nothing wrong if no one ended up hurt, and that there [i] were [/i] people getting hurt in the fire the longer they all stayed stagnant. The crew all scrambled back for the cart, but her eyes stayed connected to the dark elf- his cuts, scars, his dark, arrogant nature. As far as Deimos knew, his intentions were set to help others but she had always imagined ‘heroes’ to be more….appealing to a lighter, holier nature. She waited in silence and stillness as a few seconds ticked by of their cart departing the place of the accident. Deimos wasn’t sure if that was an invitation to follow and help or get lost. her intentions of staying would be a mix of suspicion, moving the stolen horse farther from his home, and the aiding of the fire. She said up straighter on her horse, cueing him forward at the same pace they were going after side stepping in the forest as a possible cover in a way to follow them silently- her horse could blend in with the night, while her green armor would work as camouflage in the trees. They moved along on bunches of grass and wheat, which muffled the footsteps greater than horseshoe against pavement. If they had still sensed her presence, she would throw the crew a delightful smile while her eyes would sit coldly on Melvin, awaiting for an invitation to join him and his ‘good intentions’. If anyone, only he would be able to sense of suspicion. Her red eye danced in the moonlight, her pupil dilating as it said [i]‘I know what you did.’[/i]