Khaylan arched an eyebrow at the healer's words, "Next you'll tell me that you're queen of the fae folk and the sun is really just an angry tortoise. If that was meant to see how sane I am at the moment, I would reccomend a more believable test." He sat in silence for a few moments as the healer looked him over once more. Could it be possible though? Miranda? Ex-nobility? Why would she ever step down from such a life of comfort to sing and beg in the streets? His mind couldn't really accept the idea, as long as he had known her she had been the low born peasant girl who took pleasure in frustrating and annoying him. Yet he had only run into her a few years ago... could it be possible that he had heard perhaps even met her before in his social circles? "Alright, fine," Khaylan muttered, throwing his hands up in grudging surrender, "what do you mean by that, healer? She's been to court before, not as entertainment?"