Robert who had Pikachu on top of his left shoulder, shrugged his shoulders lightly while walking with Leaf towards Viridian city. "I don't know Leaf, considering that explosion was really loud at the time. It would have alerted anyone nearby." The boy explained, while lifting one arm up and gently scratches Pikachu's chin. Who happily let out a low cha from the motion, as well return the favor by nudging his cheek against Robert. Before the boy could even speak next, as well his mind finally calming down and coming too realization. Of Leaf his childhood like friend, who he hasn't seen i quite a long time. Is traveling with him to Viridian city, recalling her asking him of where he was and such. But before he could even get too that conversation from earlier, the boy blinked his blue eyes an faces forward. Hearing what sounded like a loud speaker and Officer Jenny's voice. "Huh...whats going on here?" he pondered out loud??