[quote=MelonHead] Khan is right, when you're dealing with super-humans its incredibly difficult to bring them down with a gun. Think about how many super-heroes/villains are killed by pistols.And honestly ASTA, you've already been asked to leave if you have a problem numerous times, that argument isn't going to have anyone jumping out of their seats to meet your requirements. I don't know what RP's you've been in where the GM has to have some kind of argument for why you can't have a character you've decided on in -THEIR- RP, but I'd honestly love to see you try and drag someone's 'name through the dirt' as you suggest, that would be downright hilarious. [/quote] It was more like it was recommend that I make an exit, which was fine, considering it was clear that I was rather distraught with the current workings of the RP. In the end, I decided to stick around because those few bumps seemed like minor inconveniences when the quest for fun and enjoyment was considered. I'm not expecting an argument, I just want a concrete reason as to why "X" and "Y" aren't allowed but "Z" is, as well as a chance to actually partake in the roleplay and have the fight monitored by a judge. At the moment, it's just baseless assumptions and fearful predictions based on the actions of a bunch of random people I've never seen nor heard of. =/