[IMG]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/207/1/2/loli_witch_by_loosamoro-d6fbc0s.png[/IMG] Name: Olivia Lamon Theme: [youtube]9KAJyNuEc6Q[/youtube] Age: 32(8 physically.) Gender: Female Nation of Origin: Kaein Persona: Olivia before the accident was previously an old witch studying the ties between dark magic and life. Using it to find every single path to boost or tokens strength until she accidentally set up a conjuration that made her physical body around the same as an 8 year old, and she had lost virtually all of her magic powers in the process.She had also forgotten everything she knew up until she was 8 besides the basics of what had happened Although she's been vigorously training to get them back, she has had little success eventually going to Little Magician Academy to train her power This has generally led to her acting much like her bodies age, but still being mature at other times.She often seems to try to play both sides of her age though when its benificial. Though she has taken it upon herself to be the hand of karma, she is quite charming, and adorable most the time. Just prepare for a few temper tantrums. Equipment: A talking frog backpack with her cloths and her spell book. Ability/Magic/Technology:Black magic- Olivia has the excellent abilities in black magic the art of destructive magic, and power above all else. She often perilously researches the arcane arts in the pursuit to increase her ever vast knowledge her powers tend to be evil and corrupting often formed from desire. Although she could perform many spells before her predicament she has had trouble casting those spells in her weakened state. She cast spells by drawing runes in her magic book that have meaning, though they all produce a spell the only effective use is to combine them to make a proper spell. The mana it takes to cast it is determined by the complexity of the rune, the rune combinations, and the skill of the drawings. Though her book can only store two charged drawings at a time, she can hold them to cast till later unlike most mages. She also knows only the most basic runes due to her loss of memory, Hot,Cold,Wet,Rock,Breeze,Poison, Plant, Bright, Dim, Mind, and Body. Post Example: New one that fits your character please, so that I may get a feel for your writing.