At spreading her arms, fear began to creep into the emptiness without warning, causing tears to form on her light eyelashes. She closed her eyes against them and took a breath, lifting her face up to the sky before reopening them to sigh out the breath she'd taken. [i]There are never any stars visible in this miserable place,[/i] floated into her mind subconsciously, wondering if that would make a difference as she closed her eyes again, letting the wind wrap its way all around her body and outstretched arms for a moment longer. No, this was not a hesitation, she knew as she leveled her head with her shoulders once again. More of a saying goodbye to the only thing she'd ever known, taking in all with her senses. Opening her eyes once again as a single tear fell, she leaned forward. Even the wind seemed to protest her decision, pushing strongly against her as she fell forward in slow motion. Just as her the toes of her slippers were leaving the ledge, something darted so quickly past her that she had felt herself instinctively attempt to whirl herself around only to be pulled backwards by her shirt by the shoulder. The sudden jerk of the fabric tugged at her neck so that it hurt and one of her ankles scraped the brick ledge as she fell back onto the roof. Landing on the loose gravel atop the roof grazed the arm she'd fallen on, and she felt the knee on the same side burn beneath her cotton legging. Propping up on one hand as the rest of her still lie on the gravel, she saw the figure of what had darted past her and pulled her back onto the roof lying in a heap in front of her. Instantly, her eyes widened in shock: It - he had wings! He stirred only a second later, muttering something, and then looking directly at her with a bashful face as he said hello. She lie, mouth still almost agape, stunned by what she was seeing. Only did she blink when he asked her not to panic. Blinking a few more times as she pushed herself backwards to sit on the legs she'd brought to fold under her, she placed her hands in her lap and softly, but hesitantly asked, "Wh ... why did you stop me?" Registering the wings, she could guess, but it didn't make much sense as she thought - her mind slowly calming enough to do so.