A wave crashing, and the faint noise of gurgling. The world now sounded a little more interesting to the Composer. There was still much for it to do, of course, but it would get to them in time. At the moment, it wondered, what exactly did it do to the microbes underneath the water? So the Composer looked closely at its pets, tiny little jumbles of organelles swarmed into a large mass. There was a new type of organelle there, one which the bubbles seemed to stem from. They were a food source, it would seem. And since they only produced bubbles in the day, the Composer concluded that they derived energy from the Sun. But the Composer could find no creative solution to the main problem it found with the gurgling: namely, that it was too quiet. So, the Composer resorted to the least creative of solutions, making more of the bubble-producers. To that end, the Composer focused its power on increasing fertility rates. A long time passed. The Composer stopped only when he noticed that a third sound - more of a slosh than a gurgle - had come into being. [hider=The Composer]18%- Increased fertility rates 2%- unused 80%- undeveloped The increased fertility rate requires more energy for a greater and more active population. The initial aggregation is deep in the water, and not enough light reaches the amoebae there to make enough food for such a large population. So the overpopulated aggregation split, between an aggregation in the initial place and a new aggregation lying just underneath the surface of the water. The aggregation in the original position still creates a gurgling sound, but now the aggregation just beneath the surface is creating a sloshing sound due to being closer to the surface.[/hider]