"Not as entertainment, no," Lola said, putting the fire out. "She'll kill me later for telling you, so keep your mouth shut." The healer stretched, and went over to the wash bowl. "She was a hand-maiden to the queen," she said, washing her hands. "Years ago, no one would recognize her now with this fresh crop of nobles. Her family had a decent standing, but it all came crashing down his majesty started making eyes at her. He would have given her the world, had she just jumped into the sack with him." Lola shook her head. "Stupid thing refused. Her family lost their land, and were put out in the streets. Most of her family has left for better places, but she's opted to stay here." "Ow!" Miranda's voice echoed from the halls. "Hilde, that pinches!" "As you can see, she's forgotten some of her manners," Lola noted. "You'll have your work cut out for you, but you'll find it easier than you think."