[quote=Polyphemus] Sigurd's sword, Gram. The wreck of the , which may still have the Golden Fleece aboard. The Sessho-seki. The iron needle that contains the soul of Koschei the Deathless. The Peaches of Immortality. What time period are we setting this in, and what kind of foes can we expect to fight? [/quote] The story will probably start in 1959, so that it makes sense for Indy to be retired. As far as the foes, the Russians are the obvious choice given the time period, and I was also thinking about using the Chinese. Hopefully we will have multiple adventures and we can use a variety of villains. One of the scenarios I have in my head involves the team ending up shipwrecked on an island, where a band of mercenaries are looking for an artifact for some nefarious purpose. The plot would involve the team stopping the mercenaries and finding a way off the island. The [i]Argo[/i] idea is interesting, there could be a cool parallel between our team of heroes and Jason and the Argonauts.