"Quite an spectacle, isn't it?" Asks a voice of Lumen, her tone lacking in any subtlety restraint under the cover of the dark or in respect for the burning catastrophe before her. Should she look back, she'd soon find approaching at an easy pace the figure of a half elf... identified as such by the characteristic ears, a lot longer than humans yet shorter than an elf's, by her raven black human hair in combination with the slim elfin physique. The half elven woman walked in dark, sturdy boots, a light black dress reaching a bit past her knees, though slitted on the sides to allow more mobility. Above the dress she wore a hard leather cuirass and a belt from which a short blade and some pouches hung. Her arms were covered in long half gloves, reinforced with hard leather and a bit of dark metal to protect her forearm. To finish the outfit, from her shoulders hung a short cape, dark in color like the rest of her outfit, which reached just a bit past her waist. The stranger approached until she stood by Lumen's side, bringing an arm up to shield her golden eyes of the glare of the flames as she leaned forward for a better view "Wow, I didn't think anyone in this area had the stones to actually do something this serious" she says in an amused tone of voice before turning to look up at Lumen, a small glint in her eyes "It comes to show that there are mad men and women everywhere without exception. I'm guessing you don't have an Undine Thauma, right?"