Sorry sorry. I did mean to have a post up a couple days back, but the fact that I didn't get it done then meant that my next window for working on it was like right now (So that's what I'm doing.) It'll be up for addition within an hour or two. I don't really mind a slower paced RP (as you can tell, I'm not all that great at meeting deadlines) so I don't really have a problem with how slow it's been. I don't plan on bailing or anything, so I'll be around through the slow times. As far as the bigger mission... I'm not sure I had any grandiose ideas to that effect. I think it's already somewhat in line with what you had in mind, but I'd like to travel around the world and make stuff as we go. I know I'm more comfortable expanding that way than just thinking up ideas for places we've never been and will never go to. You've made a really interesting world here and I'm totally down to see what it has to offer. So, it's not really a mission or a grand scheme, but as for what I'm looking to get out of the RP, that's what I'd like. EDIT: Aaaand posted a bit. I plan on splitting from the joint posts once we're on board so that y'all can stop waiting on me and we can pick up the pace a bit.