Character form Name: Age: Gender: Race: Looks: Short Bio: Mine Name: Dues Age: 16 Gender: female Race: Xion Looks: Her true form is a black amorphus goo ball with two large creamy white almond markings for eyes [hider=Mech form] [img=] [/hider] [hider=Human form] [img=] [/hider] [hider=Animal form] [img=] [/hider] Short Bio/personality: Krela was unlike the rest of her race wishing to conqure a world, and rule as it's gods. She wanted to live happily with another race, and attempt to foster peace between the races. Though she saw what had happened to those like her. Their hosts had been torn apart, and they slowly dissintigrated to death. Perhaps the most painful way to die for their race. She thought quickly, in an attempt to keep her feelings and used an escape pod with the help of her elder alien. She was jetisoned to the world they were close to. She had also managed to sabotage a good amount of their navigation. Though she knew it would only slow the rest of her race so much. She would need to find someone strong quickly lest she fail, and be killed like those so many before her.