[img] https://s3.amazonaws.com/next-management-production/assets/images/68040/medium_portrait.jpg?1363169238[/img] [url=http://i875.photobucket.com/albums/ab318/bamhutt1/jemma-baines.jpg]X[/url] [url=http://www.vogue.de/var/vogue/storage/images/home/vogue/fashion-shows/models/top-40-models-der-saison/jemma-next-australien/15489479-1-ger-DE/jemma-next-australien_article_gallery_portrait.jpg]O[/url] [url=http://resources3.news.com.au/images/2011/12/29/1226232/927999-jemma-baines.jpg]X[/url] [url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-dncwA4qLe2Q/UQX00ilpqCI/AAAAAAAAOHw/8lgLtHdoaS4/s1600/296889_548775805140819_1823845718_n.jpg]O[/url] Name: Clarice Magdalene Dashwood. Age: 13 1/2 Appearance: Very tall and skinny for her age. She had blue gray eyes, and long dark blonde hair. Year: Third Year Heritage: Pure Blood House: Hufflepuff Wand: Laurel , Hippogriff Feather. 12 1/3 inchs, and unyielding. Bio: Clarice grew up in the Dashwood country estate, located on the outskirts of the riverside village of Starcross, in England. She lived here with her lovable father Magnus Dashwood, Her beautiful mother Liberty Dashwood, who was the oldest daughter of the Goodspeed family, and of course her two older sisters Janis and Shelby. She grew up in a happy caring environment and spent most of her time reading, writing, drawing and playing Wizard's Chess with her dad. Any other spare time was spent eavesdropping on her older sister's conversations, or pretending to be a teacher at Hogwarts for which she would get dolls to be her students. She also loved pretending to fly, and mixing the hair products and lotions in the bathroom with juice and mud, brewing potions she like to call it. Being just minutes old she showed signs of magic, unlike her older sisters who were a bit slower to show there's. It was a picturesque life. When Clarice was seven her mother was accidentally hit by a spell, that caused her to loose her mind, and come in out of a catatonic state every few months. Clarice's father was devastated, as was the rest of the family. After nine months with her mother in bed, and her mind lost, it was clear that nothing would fix her. Her father at the urging of his parents-in-law the Goodspeeds, sent Liberty to St. Mungo's, to be a resident of the Janus Thickey Ward, were she still remains even now. The family as a whole had to ajust to the absence and overall loss of there mother. Her father became so depressed and detached that he thought it best to send his three daughters to stay with their grandparents for awhile. So the girls lived with there grandparents and Aunt Grace for over a year. Her father after receiving some help for his disrepair, had the girls come back to him after about sixteen months. At age eleven Clarice got her letter from Hogwarts. She was so happy, seeing that she was sick a tired of being the only one not going, and missing her sisters and cousins all year long, sitting at home alone, with nothing but the cat. When Clarice was being sorted into a house by the sorting hat as a first year, she proved to be a Hatstall. The sorting hat had difficulty choosing a house for her, which was odd for a blood member of the Goodspeed line, seeing as they were always hufflepuff. Clarice had many of the qualities of each house, some more strong then others. In the end it came down Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. Six Minutes and 42 seconds pasted before a decision of Hufflepuff was made. It exactly the house she wanted to be in of course. Her first year was spent mostly studying, and following her Aunt Grace, and older sister Janis around, she learned quickly and excelled in Transfiguration, Potions, and Charms. Clarice got very high marks in all classes, except for flying. Flying seemed to not agree with her, finding heights to be a fear of hers. Second year during the carriage ride up to the castle she was one of few who could see the Thestrals whom pulled the carriage, as she had witnessed her grandfather, Phillip Dashwood's death when she was only two, as he fell off the roof in front of her. Not that she remember it at all. Clarice tried out for her house Quidditch team trying to be more like her older sister Shelby who was the hufflepuff seeker four years running, failing miserably after she fell off her broom and broke her arm in two places. She spent the rest of the year studying and reading books in library, she had even snuck into the restricted section three different times. She also joined The Potions Club that year making friends with more people. She ended up with top marks in all her classes. Near the end of their second year she chose Divination and Muggle Studies for her extra classes for next year. The summer before she started her third year she spent with her Cousins, Rosa, Jay, and Lisa at the wizard resort in France, visiting her mother in the hospital, and ride horses at her muggle neighbors farm. Personality: She is calm, thoughtful, kind, and wise. She is a 'stop and smell the roses' kinda person. In the way she walks, talks, and moves, she is graceful and elegant. If you try to hurt the people she cares for watch out. Her bad side is worse then any Slytherin. Friends/Family members/Relationships?: (open for anyone to play her older sister Janis, or being one of Clarice's good friends!! ) [url=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/ae/01/e3/ae01e389dc812b481993836c1e9bbee7.jpg]Father[/url] - Magnus Bartholomew Dashood, the only child of the wealthy Phillip and Joan Dashwood. He worked as a Wandmaker for a short time, and then went on to become a well known Arithmancer. During his days as a student at Hogwarts he was in Gryffindor house and was well know for his skill at Wizard chess, known never to lose a game. He also was a Keeper on his houses Quidditch team during his 4th and 5th year. [url=http://graphics8.nytimes.com/images/2013/02/17/magazine/17britton1/mag-17Britton-t_CA0-articleLarge.jpg]Mother[/url] - Liberty Muriel Dashwood (nee' Goodspeed) a pure blood witch. She worked as a Spell Registrator. During her years as a student at Hogwarts she was know as the teachers pet and grade grubber girl. She was in Hufflepuff House and was head girl and a prefect. Sadly she is now a resident in the Janus Thickey Ward at St. Mungo's, due to a incorrect spell accidentally hitting her six years ago. [url=http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Y8nKDpTHr_Y/UbKkLmw3f1I/AAAAAAAAEiQ/xgh9r_xyh5s/s1600/rooney-mara-hd-wallpaper.jpg]Sister[/url] - Shelby Adeline Dashwood, the oldest of the three Dashwood Daughters. She grauduated Hogwarts last year, she was a Hufflepuff student. [url=http://s24.postimg.org/94p5v9f11/zz7.jpg]Sister [/url]- Janis Yvette Dashwood, Her house is Hufflepuff, she us a 7th year. She is Very popular with the boys! [url=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_nozRGV7oj-M/S98I4WZNRZI/AAAAAAAACx0/8ApX4Or7m2E/s1600/LRedgrave.jpg]Grandmother [/url]- Wilhelmina Joan Dashwood (nee' Roth). She went to the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, when she was a student. Not the nicest woman you will ever meet she works for the Beaubaton Academy as a Professor of etiquette/manners. Her Husband Phillip died eleven years ago. [url=http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs48/f/2009/199/d/1/Hufflepuff_Student___Cosplay_by_Vanne.jpg]Aunt [/url]- Grace Goodspeed. 5th year hufflepuff. She also has many aunts, uncles, and, cousins on the Goodspeed side of her family. Other: Patronus: Hummingbird Can Speak fluent French.