"Hmmm..." Dodger muttered to himself, a rather genuine sound of confusion dancing on his voice. "On the one hand, I could agree to go do illegal stuff with a bunch of people I've never met, and a girl who, until now, I believed to be dead, and probably end up getting arrested, killed, and most definitely tortured in the process, just for a sense of good in our hearts, and some cash in our pockets..." He muttered, chuckling under his breath as he said it. "Or, I could be 'that one guy', and put my personal safety above any sense of right I have in my soul..." Suddenly he snapped upright, taking a rigid pose, saluting, and standing straighter than a pencil. "Yes. Si. Oui. да. Under no circumstances would I say no." He said excitedly, putting all of his self control into keeping his voice below a whisper.He carelessly stuffed the Molotov back into his duffel bag, then slung the bag back over his shoulder. He did keep the lighter out, however, and rhythmically flipped the lid open, then closed, not actually turning on the flame. "So, what are we waiting for?" He asked, suppressing the shouts of joy that were clawing at his throat.