It had been a long trip back from the Citadel. Erin laid on her bunk as she skimmed the contents of the updated galaxy news. She glanced over at the clock. It was 2310. Her hair was still drying from her quick shower, which she enjoyed. Unlike her other comrade's operating environment, hers afforded certain luxuries that made even the most distinguished of diplomats look upon in envy. Based on what was asked of her, she could assume the persona of a prominent drug lord, weapons dealer, or even a 'relieving' a position with a government if needed. The thrill was unmatched. She could pretend to be someone else, slowly burying who she really was under all the lies. Her most recent assignment was aboard the Citadel. It was a simple information gathering then removal of the target type of deal. A grin formed on her lips as she read the headline news: [I]A little after noon, C-Sec officers discovered the body of diplomat Aerielus Vectren when Vectren's secretary reported that he was missing. The turian diplomat was found dead in his apartment. Information concerning the death is still on-going, but C-Sec officials have reported that no leads have been found. Vectren being a huge anti-human advocate no do--[/I] Erin laughed as she tossed the tablet on her bedside table. Of course there wouldn't be any leads. Unlike the black ops units in regular militaries, Cerberus spared no expense when it sought to create the perfect operatives, each formidable and specialized in their own trades. For her, she belonged to the infiltration corps. Wherever the Illusive Man needed eyes and ears in the flesh or 'removing' someone hampering humanity's progress, her branch was sent forth. She was trained to be thorough in these sensitive assignments. Breathing deep, Erin got up just as her communication terminal pinged. An eyebrow arched. It was 2315, and there was only one person who would send a message at this hour. She walked over quickly. Opening the file, she quickly scanned the contents. She'd barely been back a day, and she could only guess the message was another assignment. Shutting and locking down her terminal, she made to her wardrobe and pulled out a Cerberus casual. It had the typical colors, but the emblem was slightly altered. The mark of the Specials was a fainted imprinted wolf-like creature. Securing her belt, and tying the strings on her combat boots, erin attached her omni-tool and quickly made her way towards the door. It was unwise to keep the Illusive Man waiting. He was, after all, a very busy man. --- Briskly walking through the hallways while offering pleasantries to whomever she passed, Erin walked passed a pair of hidden gun emplacements that were built around the entrance to the boss's door. She came to a halt as she placed her hand on the scanner. Several seconds later, the door opened. Erin studied the other person in the room. The same uniform and mark were engraved onto her emblem. She was a special. Bringing her attention forward, she stood at attention. She couldn't help but marvel at the view of the burning star right behind the Illusive Man. It was ... breathtaking to say the least. "Operative Decasta reporting as requested." The Illusive Man looked up from one of his holoscreens as his illuminated eyes moved over the two. "Impressive work with the Turian," he said. "It's been confirmed that C-Sec has no leads." "Thank you, sir." "I have another assignment for you," he said. The Illusive Man typed something on his screen as Erin heard a ping from her omnitool. A matching sound came from the other operative's as well. "Unlike your past assignments, this directive requires two operatives. Namely, Decasta, you will be paired with Operative Iles. There have been some disturbing rumors circulating from various informants. How familiar are you two with the Geth?" "Very," Decasta said. She stood relaxed as the Illusive Man looked over to Operative Iles. "Operative Iles?"