PV swung his shuttle to the left, narrowly avoiding a USIA Magnetically-Accelerated Projectile. He whipped his shuttle's modified tractor beam toward the enemy cruiser's weapon, ready to rip it off with all the malice a good pirate should have. He slammed his fist onto the button. Then, he was in a brown, dry field outside of a towering brass city. The rear half of his shuttle was gone, the front buried a foot down in dirt. "Shit. Not again." With little to lose, but much to gain, he left his ruined vessel and traipsed through the firld toward a forest until he realized that the trees were covered in a black dust and were, quite obviously, dying. He turned slowly, activating his helmet's scanners to analyze the layout of the area. It was relatively flat, aside from the city to his left. He shrugged, checked his weapons, and headed off in that direction, each unaided step charging his advanced armor's battery. He thought he something atop the highest building. A quick check on his helmet's scope told him that it was some sort of armored man. And a big one, at that. So, ignoring his instincts, he decided that it was probably a good person to ask about his whereabouts. He felt a bit better, now that he had a plan, and he could use his crippled shuttle for supplies if need be. And so, armed with knowledge, he progressed.