Huxley nodded. Nixie was right. She was vulnerable without Huxley, being the youngest tribute in this deadly game. "I realize we don't have much time, but just know that no matter what happens between now and the arena I'm not leaving your side. You especially didn't deserve this." He responded, once again clenching his fist. All the anger he had managed to hold in earlier had begun returning. Now more than ever he realized that the rebels failing in their objectives had been disastrous. It was now only the arena that could ignite the final spark and by then it was bound to already be too late. It was clear that any form of rebellion in the arena would be meaningless as those present were already serving a punishment they couldn't maneuver their way out of. As Huxley ate he went silent, but glaring directly at Nixie reminded him of one very important deal he had made with Harrow just moments earlier. He had to protect her, but was it even possible? Suddenly the entire endeavour seemed trivial. It was very possible that once everybody was in the arena tributes from different districts would likely no longer be friendly. This was survival and it brought out the animal instincts in nearly everybody. Of course there was the whole possibility of Harrow being struck down even before him, but that was something Huxley didn't want to think about. Besides, he had been a rebel also. Certainly he had combat experience? That alone gave him a significant advantage, even if Snow didn't allow it in the end. Huxley knew that a rebel victor would never be accepted; [i]"Two of you are here...for a reason."[/i] Despite all his thoughts and concerns it was Nixie's next words that truly managed to strike Huxley like a ton of bricks. Him more than a friend? Naturally, there were many possibilities that came to his mind, but none could ever be truly realized as he already knew his impeding fate and there was almost no way little Nixie would outlive the others. That was truly a scenario that would take a miracle, one that Huxley himself certainly couldn't produce. Once again being reminded of that fact, he found himself shedding a few tears even as he sat at the table with the others. "Regardless of what happens let's just try to enjoy our short time together, alright? If one of us manages to make it home we can at least make the other memorable." Huxley found himself trying to imagine more positive scenarios even if just for Nixie's sake. He had to be strong. For her. ----------- Amber continued eating in silence as many mixed feelings made their way across her conscious. Certainly she had messed up and didn't deserve allies in this game, but wasn't her new found compassion at least enough for somebody? She had helped out both the District 3 tributes, but still didn't feel like she could officially ally with them, especially not after what she had said about something Huxley had been so passionate about. He had fought not only for his own district, but all of Panem. That was a debt she knew she could never repay, even if it had been unsuccessful. Keeping that in mind she instead began thinking over strategies for herself to at least try to stay alive no matter how unlikely it was. She knew trapping, something that so far few of the others seemed to have taken interest in. That was bound to be a potential advantage, provided the traps could as effectively take down a human target as the attendant had made it seem. If anything, she knew it could at least provide her with plenty of food which she quickly guessed would probably be scarce in the arena. As Amber continued thinking about trapping strategies for several moments another skill occurred to her. One she had displayed earlier. First Aid. It wasn't much and was only what her father's own knowledge and books had provided, but it was potentially more than what the others had. None of them seemed like the doctor type except for maybe Harrow who likely had diverse knowledge in various fields. Still, it managed to give the girl even just a hint of confidence. [i]I hide out, trap, and then heal while injured...[/i] Amber worked out a vague strategy in her head that was likely subject to change as she let out a small smirk. It wasn't perfect, but it was something. She knew she wasn't particularly physical adept so almost anything could serve as a compromise at this point. ----------- Coral too was met with conflicting feelings as she sat down for lunch. Even as she hastily ate her food she couldn't get Eric nor Orius out of her head. Certainly her kissing of Eric had the Capitol going wild, but her true feelings had begun developing elsewhere. Orius. The District 2 boy. The boy had managed to approach her completely on his own, but he seemed to have a sort of charm she couldn't resist and she suddenly found herself trying to resent it. Love was not something to get distracted by in this game, only the illusion of it. The Capitol seemed to had been instantly sent into awe by the parade kiss so certainly that was the obvious illusion to keep going. At least of course until heading into the arena. Circumstances were bound to become much different there and she quickly realized she didn't truly know what her partner was up to. For all she knew he could had been plotting against her all week. That was, of course, a sense of paranoia she didn't want to yet confront. Only the interviews the following night would clear some things up. At least that was what she hoped for.