[b]Sep, Echo and Ellri - Guide, Nyiss and Luhon[/b] Guide stood on the bridge, or rather in the cockpit of the small transport. It wasn’t as extravagant of vessels used by many Sith in their routines, however it suited his purposes. It got him from A to B, kept him comfortable and even had a small lab inside of it. He sat in the seat, replaying the recording he had received from his niece only a couple of days ago: “Guide, I’ve been working on a little project lately… well, several, really, but we’ll discuss that later. For now, I need you to go to Tatooine and help an individual of some repute with the final stages of one of these projects. He can tell you the details when you get there. Looking forward to seeing you, Darth Nyiss.” He finished playing the comm and then stood up, she wasn’t entirely being helpful in saying an individual of some repute however if she was serious about this matter he wouldn’t expect her to be. He stood up and began walking down through the ship towards the boarding ramp, activating security suites as he went; droids, turrets, traps and finally a self destruct if the intruder got to the cockpit. He walked down the boarding ramp and looked around, no-one in the immediate area. The sight of a red-sith had obviously been enough for him to skip customs. He turned back to the ship, making a point of typing in the control panel which was actually completely fake. While he was doing this he used the Force to press a small hidden button, closing the door. Of course another Force User could easily break in which is why there was the pass code upon entering the vessel. He smirked, no-one would disturb his ship and if they did they wouldn’t live to regret it. Walking out of the bay he scanned the crowd passing the hangar bay, even in one of the more luxurious and more expensive bays the corridors were packed full of merchants, travellers and mercenaries and frankly he didn’t have the stomach for being around all these lesser species, though it had been several months since Nyiss had last contacted him so it was likely to be important and if it wasn’t then she would not be getting the gift he had brought for her and he’d save it for another day. He began walking around, rather aimlessly although he did not show it nor would he admit it, waiting for this individual of some repute to make an appearance. Since shortly after being hired, Luhon Aban had found himself on Tatooine. So long as the credits were good, he did not care whom his employer was. He preferred working for the empire and neutral parties over working for the republic simply because of the nature of their jobs. He craved adventure, and few created more adventurous jobs than Mad Sith or eccentric Hutts. Still, that did not change the fact that his current job was a cut above most. He liked that. He liked it much more than the lies and politics back home. His fur rippled with thoughts of home, clearly indicating his discomfort with thoughts about that place. Before he could think further, his wrist unit beeped, signifying that a person of interest had arrived at the spaceport. With a simple set of commands typed into the unit, he sent the person, whomever he or she might be, a message indicating where to meet. Which happened to be right where Luhon was sitting, in a small, half-empty cantina. With lots of background noise. Guide got the command, walking over to what he discovered to be a Cantina. He shuddered slightly, composed himself and then walked in. The stench of alcohol, sweat and even blood assaulted his senses and if the heat was bad outside it was even worse in here. He took a moment to create a small flowing breeze with the Force to keep himself cool and soothe the assault on his nostrils. The music when momentarily silent, a Red Sith did not merely walk into a cantina. However they soon continued, not wanting to cause any issues. He could sense their fear and he couldn’t help but feel some joy at that. It always did well to remind the rabble who their masters were. He scanned the tables, going from Wookies, Givin, Humans, Bothans, Twi’leks. However everyone appeared to have a partner or already in a conversation. He decided that he would allow whoever he was meeting to come to him. As was proper, he moved to an empty table and sat down. A serving droid came walking over however he simply pushed it away gently with a wave of a hand. After its second attempt the owner of the droid gave up its futile attempt. He leant back, observing the room and even a Bothan that appeared to keep casting looks at him, he made note to keep an eye on him. Though for now he merely sat and waited. After the message through the serving droid failed, Luhon sat there quietly for a while. It had immediately become clear who his contact was. Red Sith were, after all, not often seen outside the empire. In fact, Luhon had never before seen one this old. That in itself was curious. Once he was sure he had been noticed, he raised a single paw and motioned with one finger for the Sith to come to him. While not outright overt about it, neither was he all that subtle. He did not want to leave the safety of thick walls on two sides. There were more than a few from his former clan back on Bothawui that wanted him dead. Not that he had heard anything from anyone in years about that. Guide stood, and he was gone. Well, he wasn’t gone however he would appear to be gone in the eyes of those who were in the Cantina. Merely an illusion, strong enough to fool any Force users in the Cantina as he didn’t have to worry about Force Users detecting it, there were none here or he would have sensed them long ago. He moved through the room, dropping suggestions through the Force for people to move when they stood in his way. He was in the seat by the bothan, who now had a surprised look upon his face and then dropped the illusion. “You have not worked with Sith often it appears that when you are summoned, you do not obey. That is a risky habit you have.” Though the Sith disappeared, Luhon Aban was not all that surprised. He knew the Sith had tricks at their disposal. Granted, he had not seen this one before. Usually when they wanted to disappear, they fooled anyone around into not noticing them. When the Sith, still invisible to his eyes, started getting close, Luhon could smell him upon the air. Just to please the Sith, he acted all surprised when he appeared out of thin air. Another Bothan wouldn’t have been fooled, though. Upon hearing the Sith’s words, he smiled. “Better an annoyed Sith than a stunner blast in my back and a prison ship back to Bothawui. Nothing you can do to me is worse than their plans for me.” “Now now, we’ve only just met. Don’t be so quick to judge me, I’m sure I could think of something. It must be a failure of imagination on your part to believe that whatever your kind do to each other can be worse than what I can inflict. However we’ve only just met, let us fight later. Darth Nyiss gave you quite the compliment, I do hope you can live up to it however why don’t you get to the part where we start working. Where’s our target and more importantly, what is it?” There was no point hiding that he had no idea why he was here, if he did then it would simply cause complications later. It would also let the Bothan feel all the more happy and confident, safe and secure. “I don’t need imagination to know their plans for me. They announced it widely, knowing it would reach me. Five years of constant pain as my body is being shredded, fried, dismantled and mended over and over again. Apparently they don’t like me.” He paused for a moment then smiled. “Our target, as your Darth Nyiss clearly has not informed you, is simple. And large. We, are going to fetch a Krayt Dragon. A fun prospect, I think.” “Five years of constant pain? My your kind aren’t very imaginative are they.” He straightened himself up, silently cursing his niece, what was she up to now wanting a Krayt Dragon, in fact he didn’t even want to know however she was playing with fire and with what he had been hearing back on Dromund Kaas it may not be the best course of action for her. However she had his support, for now and he would sort out any issues later. “Killing a Krayt Dragon is easy, capturing one alive is a different sport. No more difficult in fact I am rather insulted that she felt I needed help in this matter. Tell me where the specimen is and then we shall retrieve it, it shouldn’t take too much of your time.” Luhon laughed. “Three days out in the Dune Sea. Give or take a day. If we were going on foot, that is. Unless you really want to walk, I suggest we skip that. I have a few locals tracking it down right now. Should be reliable enough. My time has been bought and paid for. Paid well. And hunting a Krayt Dragon sure beats dodging the idiot bounty hunters hired by my former clan.” “Why ever would we walk? I also do not care who you have tracking it, if they aren’t reliable then they simply aren’t of use and will be dealt with as such. I also do not care about your petty troubles and you are not paid to force me to listen to them, so I suggest you keep them to yourself where they belong.” Guide stood up and flexed his muscles slightly, miniscule movements that didn’t even ruffle his robes. He had sensed a familiar presence, not on the planet though getting closer. “I will require the co-ordinates if I am to fly there, the sooner the better. Your boss is here. I am bad when disappointed, I can make you hurt in ways you didn’t even know were possible. She’s worse.” “That is acceptable. I am sure you have means at your disposal for disposing of useless assets that are far more memorable than I have. If the hired locals prove unreliable, I will leave them to you.” He smiled at the reaction to his mentioning walking. Just as he had predicted. “Is your vessel large enough to carry a fully mature Krayt Dragon? If not, I suggest utilizing the freighter I have acquired here. It is not as fancy as an imperial ship, but it will do the trick.” Luhon could see the Sith reacting to something. It was almost like the Sith was familiar with something or someone nearby, but the gestures were not quite right. Or maybe it was just that he was of a species whose bodily gestures were unfamiliar. “I have equipped the vessel with holding mechanisms that should prove adequate. Your Darth provided the funds to do so. She clearly wants very much to have this Krayt Dragon. Shall we go fetch it?” “You mistake me, we are not travelling together. I am taking my ship for I have materials I require, once we are finished I shall also be flying directly to Darth Nyiss’ flagship not passing through another ship first. Also there will be little need for your holding mechanisms, the beast will be quite docile and well fed by the time we are loading it onto your vessel.” He took out a small dataspike and deposited it on the table. “Send the coordinates to that commlink code and then depart yourself.” With that he turned and left, passing back through the halls and corridors of the spaceport. People moved out of his way either willingly or with a little persuasion and then he came face to face with someone who didn’t. He scowled at the being, an affront to him. Completely uncivilized, a Jedi. He merely bowed his head in mock recognition “Jidai” and then continued on his way, back to the ship and opening the lock with the secret pressure plate. Climbing the ramp a warning light flashed and two droids rounded the corner weapons raised. He merely had to speak to deactivate the systems. “Tash Nu.” With that he travelled to the cockpit and activated the astromech pilot. “We should be getting coordinates any second now. As soon as you have them launch and get us going.” The droid merely gave an annoying tweedle in response and sat in his chair as the ship began to hum as its systems began powering up. After the Sith departed, Luhan remained in his seat for a few minutes, smiling to himself. Nothing like dealing with Sith to spice up the day. Just after he pocketed the data spike, before he could get up and leave, someone else sat down at his table. If the clothes were any indication, it had to be a Jedi. ‘oh great.’ he thought. “You. Bothan. In the name of the Galactic Republic, tell me what that Sith paid you to do. Now.” He really did not want this now. Jedi were annoying nuisances at best. “Nothing. He paid me nothing. And he won’t pay me anything. What I do and whom I talk to is my own business, not yours.” He did not utter a single lie in there. Sure, he left information out, but it was all true. That Sith, whatever his name might be, never paid him anything. The jedi looked at the stubborn Bothan for a moment. Usually Bothans were quite friendly with the Republic, but every race had exceptions. “Its obvious you’re working with him. What job are you doing for the Sith here on Tatooine?” He asked fairly civilly, if bluntly. “You want to tell me.” He added, waving his hand and putting a gentle Force persuade behind it. “No. I don’t! Ah told ya, it ain’t yer business!” To another Bothan, the strain needed to resist that use of the Force would have been apparent, but to anyone else, it was not. It had taken him years of training to build up even this small resistance to mind tricks, but it sure came in handy to foil some lesser Sith. Risky perhaps, but fun. And it sure had saved him from embarrassing actions many times. “Leave me alone, Jedi!” One of the Serving droids wheeled in and poked the Jedi with one of its many arms. “Leave Paying Customer alone or Bouncer will remove you.” The metallic voice was clear, but emotionless. At the signs of a confrontation in the making, a small crowd had begun to form and the cantina had become suddenly eerily quiet. Tatooine was a fairly lawless place, and thoroughly under the control of various crime lords, making it no secret who the small crowd of scum might support should things get ugly. The Jedi looked around as bodies began to press in behind him. If this did get ugly, a number of them would come out for the worse, but he was just one Jedi. “No, you’re right. Its not my business.” He said as he stood. “I’ll be leaving now.” Amongst the crowd were murmurs of disappointment and they began to disperse, robbed of their days violent interlude. They let the Jedi go however, as no one sentient felt like getting between a man with a Lightsaber and the door. Luhon sighed with relief after the Jedi left, knowing that the outcome might have been painful for him if it had come to combat. There was no telling with Jedi these days. Sometimes it was like one could not tell any difference between them and the Sith. He had no doubt he’d be followed, but that was a problem for later. He quickly left the cantina, then went to the spaceport by a roundabout route. No point in giving the Jedi that would no doubt follow him an easy job. Once back in the ship, he transmitted the coordinates to the Sith, then had his simple freighter lift off and fly in the direction his local hirelings were supposed to be. Guide received the co-ordinates. Now that he had met the Jedi he could sense him running around, trying to find out what was going on. Of course if the Jedi decided to follow them he’d get a nasty surprise when it came time for the Krayt dragon. He doubted the Jedi would restart the War over an unknown project and a Sith as old as himself, though he had been gathering some intrigue not many people had seen a Sith so old without escorts before and surely not without a speck of death. His ship, smaller and faster than the transport that was made to carry a Krayt Dragon arrived first, and he disembarked into the boiling sun and warm sands. Drawing upon the Force to keep him cool before he had even released a sweat, he could see the other transport coming in now and shielded himself as the ship kicked up sand while landing. He walked out into the space between the two ships as the Bothan approached him. Off to the side the other workers stood watching the exchange. “So, is the ship ready to take the dragon? Whatever hatch requires opening I advise that you do it now. It will need to be ready for when the dragon walks on board.” Luhon sighed. While in transit, he had contacted his hirelings, and while they had located a Krayt Dragon nest, they had yet to lure the creature outside. It was obvious enough that they were rather inept. Still, he saw no reason to reveal that to the Sith now. It would be better for them to reveal their incompetence directly to him. Lifting a small, handheld remote, Luhon pressed a quick combination of keys. Soon afterwards, there was a loud hiss from the vessel as the landing gear extended further, lifting the entire ship high up above the ground, the bottom of its cargo hold splitting open like a mouth. “The ship is, as you can see, ready. The cargo hold is designed to lift the Krayt Dragon straight up, holding it in place with a series of hydraulic clamps. No matter how docile you make it, there is no point in being careless.” Guide watched, not really betraying any sense in emotion, he merely looked like a bored observer which he truly was. The ship was nothing to be overly impressed with anyway, not much of a modification. “You are quite correct, if we become foolish and let our ego get the best of us we will end up like the Republic, I did not live so long by taking unnecessary risks.” He turned and faced out into the desert, there was a collection of mountain hills nearby no doubt the Dragons cave was among them. He had gathered the drug that he would need and now all he needed was the volunteers. While Luhon would do it was obvious his niece had some form of, respect, for him and as such he wouldn’t unnecessarily kill him when he had plenty of other candidates. “Now, where is this dragon? Darth Nyiss will be arriving soon and the quicker we get this done the quicker I can get off this wretched planet and you can get on with your life.” Luhon pointed towards a particularly tall rock nearby. “Sensor readings reveal a cave on the far side of that rock. The dragon should be within. At least it entered there yesterday. The locals I hired have been camped outside that cave ever since.” Luhon paused for a moment. “I scanned the surrounding area for other cave mouths, but found none of sufficient size.” Guide just stalked in the direction that Luhon pointed in. All of the way he manipulated the sand in the Force to prevent him from sinking and keep his skin cool despite the sweltering suns blasting heat into the desert. It took them nearly twenty minutes to reach the cave entrance Luhon had been talking about, the camp was in place exactly as Luhon had explained. He walked up as several of the locals stood up from mixing some form of brew over an old fashioned fire. “Has the dragon been sighted?””No.””No, My Lord.””You gotta be ki-” He stopped speaking as Guide wagged his finger in a disapproving fashion. “Well done Jar, you have just volunteered.” The man's lips moved, but no words escaped. It was a particularly unpleasant mind trick, where one was aware of what their body was doing however had no power to stop it. Guide walked up and took a small injector, stabbing it into the mans arm as the vein below the skin turned blue momentarily before resorting to its brown form. He waved him away, and the man walked into the cave with a look of pure terror in his eyes. Several minutes past with no sound other than the crackling of the fire and the breathing of each of the members outside of the cave all deep and heavy due to the sweltering heat except for that of Guides who despite the heavy black robes appeared rather comfortable. Then, all of a sudden a blaster could be heard as well as a mighty roar and then a scream. Guide gestured one hand at the locals as their limbs suddenly went rigid as if in salute, confusion and surprise in their eyes. Guide turned to Luhon. “We will need roughly two more Volunteers. Chose.” Looking at the remaining locals, Luhon spoke. “Would you explain exactly why you have not gone into the cave and retrieved the Krayt Dragon you were paid to get? Or would you rather go in and fetch it now? Each ten seconds you delay in retrieving it is another credit your families will not get should you die in the process.” he smiled. “Mind you, whomever survives will get the greater share of the credits, not to mention get to live. Decide now.” After that, he turned about. Within seconds, he could hear them fighting and shouting. “That ought to do it, Sith. Enjoy the sight.” Guide released them as they began to shout allowing them to fight amongst themselves. However luckily they were close enough not to resort to using blasters. It would be wasteful for them to all kill each other before the dragon was retrieved. Eventually one of them just turned to run, Guide grabbed the users mind and performed the same trick he had on Jar mere moments ago, he was hoping that this one would run. Gammorrean, it was obvious he would be one of the two though he had hoped to send him last. Merely as the icing on the cake, no matter. Using the same mind crushing technique as before the Gammorrean came towards him, his face almost screaming in terror if he could find his voice. Guide used another injector before sending the beast into the cave, this time it was substantially less time before the shot was fired and the beast roared, it was coming out of its cave to discover the source of all the food. He could sense it now, and sense the drug at work. One more would be enough. The fighting had stopped, and the locals turned to face him. “One more is required, try to run and you shall go in.” He let the message sink in, he had still let go of his control on them. Then their weapons raised, but no fire came. His hand was extended and he had grasped them all. The heat of the suns took him momentarily as he shifted his concentration, though shortly he had it regulated again. A simple mind trick or illusion would be easy on four vermin however he wanted to ensure that they suffered. He walked up to them, they were trying desperately to speak or move out of his grip as he injected them all. They then began heading towards the cave as he gave up control of their vocal cords to ensure they made a noise. The beast reared its head out of the cave, blood and torn flesh still in its teeth as it roared. One by one the remaining locals were consumed. Guide then lit his lightsaber, a deep violet contrary to the popular red used by most Sith. The beast turned towards him and Luhon as Guide extended his arm and the beast stopped in its tracks, its pupils going wide. They walked back to the ships in silence, the only sound the thundering footsteps of the beasts following them and climbing into the vessel. Guide relaxed, the beast still stood in the hold glassy eyed and completely still as Guide turned to the bothan. “You may close the vessel now. Our job is done, now you need merely deliver the goods and collect full payment, for yourself.” “Perfect. I so enjoy working with you Sith. Keeps the day interesting and deals with incompetent hirelings in satisfactory manners.” Luhon then pressed a single button and the freighter closed up again and lowered itself back down. The Krayt dragon was secured inside, but there was no proper seal. Modifying a freighter to open like that was hard enough. Modifying it for extra-atmospheric flight would have been too expensive. Not that he had received specifications for docking any ship with the Sith transport vessel in the first place. “Shall we meet again at the spaceport, Sith?” When the Sith nodded curtly, Luhon entered the freighter cockpit, lifted off and flew back towards Mos Anis. Guide turned, his heavy black cloak billowing in the wind as he did so. Again using the same passphrase and such to enter his vessel he moved to the cockpit, as the droid powered up the main systems and prepared for takeoff he sent a sense of achievement to his niece so that she would know it was done and the next phase would begin. It would however be interesting on moving the beast to whatever ship lay in orbit waiting for it. No doubt he would have to move it from one vessel to another which would be entertaining and hard to miss. Likely the Jedi would would make a reappearance however he would be helpless to do anything without reigniting a war. ~|Several Hours Later|~ Darth Nyiss stepped from the cool confines of the Imperial shuttle into the harsh heat and light of the blasted world of Tatooine. It was not pleasant here, for while Nyiss was used to heat and an arid climate from spending so much time on Korriban, this planet was at a completely new level for such things. The Moff had tried to force a squad of guards onto her, but in this case many hands did not make light work. They made obvious work. She’d accepted the presence of the Lieutenant though, the woman who was more than she appeared. It was thankfully both a covered over journey and not far to travel to reach the hangar where the Krayt Dragon was being stored. The transport vessel she’d had built for it would be called down only when she had confirmation of the live Krayt dragon. The ship had been an expensive favour to have built, and she didn’t want to risk it unduly. Especially after relying so much on the despicable locals for the missions success. Just before reaching the Hangar, she sensed two Force presences. One she expected, that of her Uncle, a dark and familiar presence that brought a degree of comfort with it, but the other was unexpected. That of a Light-side user. On this planet, that could only mean a Jedi. None of the scum here could maintain the Light even if they wanted too, a bitter irony given the bright physical light of the twin stars. The Jedi would have to be dealt with before she left, and so she made no attempt to hide her own Force presence. With luck, the Jedi would not be able to let her go about her business without sticking his head under her lightsaber. They were foolish like that. If not, she’d have to hunt him down. Easier said than done, unfortunately. The caged beast came into sight as Nyiss stepped into the Hangar, and a magnificent sight it was. An actual living Krayt Dragon! Here! And it was all hers! She had to forcibly control herself, the surge of excitement almost overwhelming. She’d half expected to find a paltry half dead runt, but then she’d employed her uncles services precisely to ensure that didn’t happen. “Magnificent… Simply magnificent.” She said, mostly to herself. Then she turned to Allende, arresting the girlish smile that had begun to form on her face, and spoke again. “Signal the Moff to send the transport. Tell the transport crew that we have acquired a Prime specimen.” She sensed her uncles presence close by, but he hadn’t yet shown himself. He’d arrive in his own time. Guide rounded the corner, his mind still focused partially on the beast keeping it docile in its drugged state. Its pupils were still dilated and it was breathing in deep long breaths. As if in a strange form of meditation. “Did you expect anything else than a prime specimen ‘ari-nuyak? I have to admit, this… creatures cohorts proved of little use other than feed for the beast however you were correct in his usefulness” When mentioning the creature Guide absentmindedly pointed at Luhon, who was standing in a far corner watching the entire exchange no doubt trying to get a read on either of the Sith. A futile gesture except for the obvious amusement his niece was having at viewing the beast, she should of known especially as a lord to conceal such things. No matter, such things were not for discussion in company. Nyiss’ face lit up at the sight of her uncles wizened features. She might have used a more physical greeting in a private setting, but for now she settled for words. Too many people were watching, and the relations of a Sith could be weaknesses. “Of course, I only expect the best from you. I must say-” She continued, her voice changing to a slightly sarcastic but friendly tone. “You are looking more dessicated than ever. Tell me, is it the sand? Perhaps the Sun?” Her smile grew wider as she finished speaking, and she held out her hand to clasp his in her own. Guide suppressed a chuckle as he allowed for his hand to be clasped and then respectfully bowed as was his position in terms of society and ranking. “Strange, you still look like the same little Siqsa I remember seeing last on Korriban. Perhaps I merely stayed in the refresher too long and pruned up a bit. You have to be careful about these things at my age. Just you wait.” He pulled back his hand and then returned to his previous posture, it would not do well to linger having his hand clasped or for her to linger in clasping his hand, while she was mature in some aspects occasionally the repressed child within escaped. “Now, I feel I should inform you now that at the behest of the Dark Council that I come aboard your vessel.” Of course this was a lie, he had pretty much free reign in most aspects and was only occasionally called upon for advice and had instead chosen to oversee his nieces project. She would of course know, for no-one who had actually been assigned by the Dark Council would admit it unless they had no understanding of the way of the Sith. “Oh stop…” she said, not meaning it in the slightest. She loved being complimented on her appearance. “I had a good teacher. What can I say?” She managed before the Sith before her became serious again. He had an irritating tendency to not go along with her less serious whims for long, but she’d long ago learnt that it was pointless becoming stroppy with him or holding it against him. As he mentioned the Dark Council making a request, she knew he was just eager to find out what her current project was. She didn’t doubt the Dark Council would send someone to keep an eye on her - indeed, they may already have done so - but it wouldn’t be him. Still, she went along with it. It was better to keep nothing being what it appeared in the Empire, it was simply safer that way. “Well they do love meddling in everything. Can't leave well enough alone. But at least they sent someone useful this time.” It seemed their reunion would have to wait until later, however. The presence of the Jedi was growing closer, and Nyiss didn’t want to risk him interfering with the transference of the Krayt Dragon. Recapturing it and explaining the destruction of a city on Tatooine was more effort than she could be bothered with. “There is a Jedi nearby, and I’d prefer if he didn’t see our prize. Perhaps he should adjourn to the adjacent Hangar?” Guide nodded at Nyiss. “As you wish my lady. It will be interesting to see how your combat skills are faring as of late, the infighting isn’t lessening since the cold war. However instead the council is full of Jen’Jidai and not true Sith and they are more violent and cause more infighting than anyone else.” He turned and walked out of the hanger, the beast reared slightly however while walking away a vial flew from Guides pocket and into the beasts mouth as it returned to its semi-conscious state. Walking between the hangers he waved a hand at several passers by and walked into the hanger. He then yanked the being close and stared into his eyes. The man began to scream and convulse before falling to the floor. In the brief moment they were alone Guide looked at Nyiss with a fondness he often did not often express. “Well, I’ve had my fun. I presume the Jedi will now be making haste so you may have yours.” “I imagine he’ll be quite unhappy with that rather imaginative bait. Good. Angry Jedi are easier to manipulate.” She said as she followed her uncle. The presence of the Jedi suddenly started moving much faster towards them, no doubt he was rushing to save all the innocents the Sith were no doubt torturing. Ever predictable the Jedi. The hangar they entered then was eerily empty. Just as they entered, the door on the other side opened and the Jedi stepped into the Hangar and dropped his cloak to the ground. His head had small horns poking through his hair and his battle armour was clearly visible. “Don’t be ridiculous Jedi. There is no need for violence.” Nyiss said calmly. It was partially to provoke him. Sith didn’t generally ask for peace. “You won't succeed with your plan Sith!” The Zabrak Jedi shouted back at her, reaching for his Lightsaber. “You Jedi are so predictable. Always with the same lines. I already have succeeded, and now I’m cleaning up the mess, namely, you.” Nyiss said, her voice changing from jovial and calm to irritated. She’s been hoping for a human Jedi to add to her experiments, but this one was not human. Possibly close enough, but the effort of restraining him seemed like too much. Besides, she couldn’t help but show off. She didn’t bother to remove the obscuring out-robe, but still pulled her lightsaber from its clip on her belt, activating one of the blades. That was all the Jedi needed to leap to the attack, activating his own Blue saber mid jump. Nyiss’ expression was a pained one as she recognised the classic Jedi Guardians opening move, one she’d long ago learned to counter. Her free hand shot up, in a claw-like shape, and a short burst of Force Lightning arced between her and the Jedi in mid-air. Unlike the last one to try this move against her, this one had the quick thinking to block the majority of the lightning with his Lightsaber, but enough of the blast reached him to disrupt his attack. He rolled when he hit the ground instead of delivering the power-stroke that normally came at the end of a Force leap. Nyiss made use of the opportunity to once again blast him with the Force, slamming him down into the ground before he could complete the roll. “After calling you out on being predictable, Jedi, you still use that attack?” She chided. “Could you get any more obvious?” She continued, placing the tip of her lightsaber on the back of his neck. While the blade had burned the Zabraks neck Guide used the Force to deactivate Nyiss’ lightsaber, and the bolt of light returned into the hilt. He could already sense the anger from his niece growing stronger with his actions however while the Sith used their emotions to benefit them only children were ruled by their emotions. He merely cleared his throat and shook his head. While she was powerful and in the favour of the Dark Council an action that could start a war wouldn’t be in her best interests. If the rumours were true about what his niece was doing there could be other uses for this Jedi. Especially such a strong specimen. He had long preferred Zabrak to other Non-Sith species, they were strong warriors and loyal if they could be coerced. He had no issue with them as long as they did not try to rise above their station and remembered their place. Nyiss looked up at her uncle when he deactivated her Lightsaber and Glared intently for just a moment. He was one of the few that knew precisely where to apply the Force on her weapon to deactivate it, and it was, at times, quite frustrating. But after the moment passed, her expression mellowed. A small smile returning to her face, even as her eyes belied vicious intent. “Of course you’re right, we really shouldn’t waste any resources, even sub-standard ones like this.” “Higher standard than the ones I hear you may have, if the rumours are true.” He looked down at the Jedi, near unconscious with pain. He closed his eyes and explored the routes of the creatures brain until he came across an artery, pinching it closed the man began to convulse having a seizure. His mouth was gurgling slightly as he did so. “The more the merrier.” “Well, since he was your idea, I’ll leave you in charge of keeping him docile until we reach the ship. We depart as soon as the Krayt Dragon is in the air.” Nyiss said with an air of finality, turning as she did so, replacing the Lightsaber on her belt.