"Boy, she really is lonely to be letting us have all this grub and potions to ourselves. Honestly, if we were of the wrong sort, it wouldn't take but a few minutes to swipe all her stuff." Rasca huffed, but seemed more calm now that the lady had soothed all of her worries. She hadn't missed the joke either, and it made her feel a bit more at home with the biddy. Almost enough to trust her words enough to stuff her face later with food. "Don't worry, we trust you!" She called after the woman, milking the joke for all it was worth. [i]'Hmm.. but what kind of food did she have?'[/i]The winner of the lottery knew the answer to that question. Unfortunately, Rasca did not, so she kept her eyes trained where the woman had walked towards. After a while of searching, she gave up. There was a hint of a subtle frown on her face when Rasca drank the potion. [i]'What could possibly be bothering Leon now? He should be so happy to know about how to finally talk to pokemon. I know i would.'[/i] She sulked a bit after setting the empty bottle down, though her mind raced with the possibilities of what her best friend could be mulling over. "At least it was only a little one. Though it seems they stung you in just the right way." She cocked her head as he took care of the pokemon, wanting to help but knowing that he had everything covered. [i]'Just as usual. Except for his emotions..'[/i] "Yo, Leon, what's eating you? I'm sure it's not that hermit ladies food, it's probably going to be awhile before it's done." Her stomach rumbled quietly, settling a cold feeling in her stomach as it waited for the arrival of nutrition. Rasca blocked his way for a few moments, not sure what was going on with him.