[b]Nepeta[/b] The cat trolls bent her knees into a crouch, keeping a wary eye on the Nanashi. She was waiting oh so patiently for her prey to get close to her and when they did, she lunged! She swung her clawkind down in a ferocious swipe. There was no holding back and 13 years of growing up in a world where everyone wants to eat, kill and/or maim you taught her everything she needed to handle bunch of simple mooks. Even if their numbers outnumbered her, she was prepared to take anything they threw her way. While she fought, she stole a glance towards Yuuka and Rachel. It seemed they could take care of themselves, but that didn't stop her from being ready at a moment's notice in case they ever needed her help. She was a great and mighty huntress after all! And great and mighty huntresses always help their friends! Even if the friendship was implied and not officially stated. --- [b]Roxy[/b] Roxy landed back down on the ground, tucking her hoverboard under her arm as well as putting her riflekind back away into her sylladex. As she approached Katsumi, the only person she was really acquainted with since a certain person who shall not be named ignored her repeatedly, she overheard the message from the girl's GPS. "Ohhhh shit, all kindsa hell is breakin loose. Is it national fuck shit up day? Because I seriously need to rework my internal calender. I was positive fuck shit up day was last Tuesday." "Welp, since its apparently the national fucking holiday to tear shit apart, let's go be all celebratory by embracing the holiday spirit. In other words, let's go fuck their shit up."