So I'm full to burst on RP ideas! I am trying to limit myself on how many RPs I try and open up so I don't end up overflowing with RP trying to keep up like has happened in the past. So, I am just trying to get what I think are my best ideas out. This one is going to be my last one for a while. I think. The idea behind this is really just an open fantasy world that I and 3 other people will create as we go along. There are no set boundaries right now, as those will be set later when we actually get together for the RP. But here are the ground rules that the RP will use for its basis. The world will be high end fantasy. Magic is a very common thing, and many creatures from centaurs to dragons roam the land and are also quite common. The world's highest technologies come from both steam engineering, and magical contraptions. The known world is very large, and our characters have only ever known the one secluded continent they live on. There are other lands with many names however, ones that one day their adventure could well lead to. The world is ours to explore and create as we see fit. We will have a simple start but a quick start. I feel that sitting around for too long in the area you start out in a RP just talking often kills a RP before it can really get started. So our characters will get together for whatever reason, and head out on their journey right away! I'm thinking this could be the starting plot: Our characters all about the same time, at least within a few days, join up with a guild. Guilds are collections of adventurers, and these guilds receive quests directly that any members of the guild can take and complete for the specified rewards. Think Fairy Tail if you have ever seen it. The RP can revolve around our characters and their interactions with this guild, and it will start off with them having joined around the same time and so they decided to go on their first quest at the same time! Or rather they take the same quest together. From there the world is ours from the city we start in to the world around it. Anyone can make up things as we go along from the mention of mountains to rivers and valleys. Just try not to step on anyone's toes too bad. If someone seems to be playing out an idea, try and ask first if it's okay to do something. Anywho this is all in the planning stage still, so, is anybody up for a high end fantasy adventure with limitless possibilities?