Daemon jumped in surprise the first time that Kooyani grabbed his arm and slapped his own knee,but he quickly grew accustomed to it. The kid was making it really hard to simply be platonic, here. By the time the show ended, Daemon was shaking off a slight blush and glancing at Kooyani. "I usually don't have time to watch a whole thing." Daemon agreed with a slight cough. Just then, the door was thrown open and Daemon looked towards it, happy for the distraction. "Hey there Lover Boys! The Candyman has arri~ved!" Hadrian sung from the doorway, three bottled of vodka in one bag, and three pizza boxes balanced on his hand. Daemon quickly got up and took the pizza off Hadrian's hands, giving the man more balance. "Before you say anything, I already know you love me for going above and beyond the required amount of party food." Hadrian continued, sauntering over to the couch and setting the vodka down on the table. He then plopped down next to Koyaani and leaned against him dramatically. "I'm just [i]such[i] a giver." He sighed. Daemon laughed as he sat down on Hadrian's other side, setting the pizza on the table. "I think you just wanted to get on...Blaine's good side." He mocked. Hadrian gasped, wrapping his arms around Koyaan's neck and feigning hurt. "I would never bribe such a hot man into my bed!" He cried. Daemon raised an eyebrow and he sighed. "Okay so I would, but that's not the point!" "Yeah, sure it isn't. Now let the man go before he has a heart attack." Daemon scolded. Hadrian sighed and let Koyaani go, finger lingering on his chin. "Someday." He whispered. "Hadrian!" The man merely giggled.