[u][b]Plot[/b][/u] A large hologram appears before you. A man draped in shadows begins to speak. As scenes of what looks like war begin to play. [center][I] We live in a world ransacked by monsters that have come from the stars. They have destroyed our homes, and nations. Because our leaders knew nothing of how to defeat these monstrosities of organic, and machine. We have even lost loved ones, and the strong heroes we thought would never leave us have been slaughtered. But, do not fear for their is now a way to fight back! [/center][/I] The Images changed to a massive robot, and then to several 30 foot tall robotic suits. [center][i] Thanks to our advances in technology. We have created The End. Armor meant to be controlled by suits meant to be piloted by very special individuals. They will end this invasion once, and for all! We will drive these monsters back to the stars from whence they came! All I ask is that you trust in me. [/center][/i] The Hologram soon cuts out as you stand in a crowd of carefully selected individuals. Will you make it? Or will you just become another distant memory? An older woman with tied back golden hair wearing a pristine lab coat, a slimming red dress, black pumps, and small wire glasses looks upon everyone. Her stature says she is bored though her eyes betray her boundless curiosity. She calls your name, and you are taken into a small room. Inside is a single table, and two chairs made of metal. A peculiar metal spherical device with with many circular glass disks inside it, sits at the tables center. As you finally situate yourself one the small metal chair, it bathes you in a green light for several seconds. Slightly blinding you for a bit. "Speak clearly as you tell me about yourself," The woman says. She sits across from you as she begins writing on a glass pad with a display of various images, and data you can’t hope to comprehend on the other side in glowing orange letters. So this rp would be sorta like Pacific Rim only it has actual humanoid aliens piloting the monsters that come from the stars.