Following Pete through the winding guild was, surprisingly, kind of fun. It was nice to just explore with someone, she thought, as her journeys were normally spent alone. Constantly out of the corner if her eye she saw a flash of colorful fur, Vapor was keeping a close eye on them. With a slight sigh, she turned her eyes forward, ignoring the cat, keeping her expression blank. Eventually, they pushed through double doors and into a large, dusty smelling room. Ashling examined the library with wide eyes. It was rather impressing, chock full of different books in all different languages and styles, some leather bound and others just parchments covered in letters. She wandered up and down the aisles, letting Pete fly off on her own, and browsed the selection. There were plenty of fantasy books, fiction, non-fiction. A flew on alchemy and magic caught her eye, and she made a mental note for their names before continuing on. There was no sign of the pendant, and the more she failed to find it the more she began to grow bored of the task. Eventually, she returned to the entrance of the room, glancing about for her curly-haired acquaintance. There was a flash of red above her and Ash stared as Pete descended from the high shelves, a book in tow. A question was asked, and with a shrug and confused expression, but before she could voice her knowledge someone joined them. It was the pretty woman who ha been sitting at the desk in front. She introduced herself as Belle and gave a rather amusing answer to Pete's curiosity. Ashling nodded, stuttering out an introduction before the woman left to attend to some other issue, "What a curious place." She thought out loud before turning back around to the shelves, hands skimming across the books. Another one on alchemy, huh, might as well waste some time. She pulled out the thick book and skimmed it, keeping one eye on Pete. "There was a new boy in the Tavern, did you see? He looked like he was from the east!" It was small talk, but Ash had found she was running out of things to think about. The pendant was no where to be seen and honestly Ashling was beginning to get rather bored of the task.