Welcome to Anima City, the bustling metropolis home to a great many things. New and veteran duelists alike could benefit from a round against the DuelBots of the local Duel Simulator, or Turbo Duelists could take to the aptly-named Speed Highway to challenge others of their kind. Whatever your dueling needs, Anima City has it. It's also a place for plenty of local conspiracy theories. Specifically, recent rumor around town is that the current CEO of G-Chronus Timepieces is using the company's new Duel Disk to harvest energy and turn otherwise-lifeless playing cards into real life monsters, though no theories state his intentions. While he himself admits that one of his main goals is to study such phenomena as spirit partners and the heart of the cards using internal trackers on the batteries of these Duel Disks, he says the fascination ends as fascination. At the Anima Duel Stadium - a massive dome in the dead center of the city - the CEO in question is hosting another Duel Monsters tournament; something he's been doing a lot lately. And the entrants? That's where you come in. For whatever reason, be it personal or not, you've signed up for the second annual G-Clock Open, using one of the Duel Disks provided by G-Chronus Timepieces as per the tournament's rules. Grab your Duel Disk, shuffle your deck, and win this together with your spirit partner! The RP itself still needs some details figured out, but there's enough figured out to that I could post this interest check. Three phenomena which I've observed occur in every series (spirit partners, heart of the cards, some monsters having their own level of being real instead of just a card) will play important parts in this RP. This is the part where I ask if anybody reading this would be interested in such an RP. So how about it? :)