Adrian stepped back as Rebecca's wings opened, and his hand went to his pocket, to the device within. He held his breath without even realizing and clutched harder at the device, ready to push the button the moment her feet left the ground. But the moment passed. The wings folded back and the girl seemed to compose herself once more. Adrian felt foolish for what he considered an overreaction on his part, he was wound too tight. [i]Okay, great start...if only I can get through today without zapping my new partner like a mosquito...[/i] "We're going to my car," Adrian answered her question, "And when we find this guy, we make a calm approach. If you had read his file properly you'd see that the agency doesn't consider him a threat. We take him in clean, unscathed." Adrian unlocked his SUV, thankfully roomy enough to fit a girl with a pair of wings if she sat in the back. "Do you think you can handle that, Agent Kite?" She was right about one thing, he wasn't going to call her Rebecca, not until...unless...she proved herself. He got into the car and fired up the engine, turning his back to her he said in a tone the left little room for argument, "Don't do anything unless I tell you to do it."