"I'm not as neanderthal as I look," Melvin replied dully. "I'm fully aware of how similar our kinds are, and that you know my situation as well as I know yours. Hell, I was born half-elf just like you. What caused me to become like [i]this[/i]..." He addressed his hideous physical features with a harsh gesture. "... Is the driving force behind my actions. If you want to know more, you have to guarantee me one thing - that you won't report me to the Sect, as well as Sord's shogun and daimyos, who are all nothing more than the Sect's puppet rulers for this nation anyway. I won't force you to join my cause, but I am demanding your silence. A fairly simple request, no? If you're still interested, then come with me this way." Melvin turned around and walked towards a portion of ground with a nondescript rock lying nearby. He set the rock aside to reveal a handle, which he pulled up to pry open a hidden trapdoor with a series of rotting wood steps leading down into a dark cavern. He lifted two of his fingers up and lit the fingertips like a candle, lighting the way down for Deimos. "As you can see, my appearance makes it impossible for me to mingle with Izumo's townsfolk, so I can't book any rooms at an inn or anything. Consider yourself lucky that you can get by with hiding your ears and wearing an eyepatch."