Oooh, I was waiting for this. Sort of. I managed to scrounge up my profile from google cache. Name: Lady Alyssa of the House of Salian Age: 25 Gender: Female Title: Second-in-line to the Duchy of Coritanae (A minor duchy in Edea) Nickname: 'Dragon-Bait' Tier: Base (though I want to make her Advanced. If she'll stay at Base, I'll probably end up reducing her age by 1-2 years... probably.) Weapon Type: Sword Build Type: Armor / Strong (Somewhat equally) Skills: Pavise Weapons: Steel Blade Appearance: Alyssa is about 1.63 (5'4") metres tall in height. [hider=Alyssa][img=][/hider] Personality: Alyssa is the sort of properly taught noble who would almost be considered a gentleman to others, if not for the whole gender thing. Though she's graceful, polite and charming (to the ladies), Alyssa keeps her real emotions bottled up, always resorting to a smile to hide anything untoward. She's almost always calm, polite and reasonable, except when dragons are involved. The mere idea of seeing a dragon freaks her out, and the nickname 'Dragon-Bait', unceremoniously given by her friends after surviving her 3rd dragon attack, is one of the few things that makes her openly annoyed. Alyssa never denies that she's a woman, but finds a little bit of amusement when others don't notice it until she properly introduces herself. History: The Duchy of Coritanae was never that relevant in the larger picture of Edea. Most of its lands were covered in arid landscapes, and even though Coritanae was just the same size as every duchy in Edea, it could never be as rich as the rest of them when its lands could grow nothing. The only saving grace of the Duchy of Coritanae was in their lineage. Alyssa was born to the Duke of Coritanae, Duke Winfred the Iron Knight. Duke Winfred was a legendary warrior, known for his imposing black armour and impressive swings of his greatsword. When Duke Winfred stormed the battlefield, Edea expected nothing less than victory. When the old Duke lost the use of his hand during a particularly bad battle, he sought rest at home and perhaps the chance to pass his legacy towards his children. Marrying a young noblewoman from a minor barony in Coritanae, Duke Winfred fathered 4 sons (Tarquin, Jonas, Kenrick and Claude), and 4 daughters (Jeanne, Alyssa, Maria and Theresa). The eldest son, Tarquin, surpassed Alyssa by 8 years, but he always found time to enjoy the joy of the siblinghood, even as his father's demanding training regimen brought him low every day. It did not help that Tarquin's natural physical strength was not up to par, not even with training. Alyssa, along with her elder sister, Jeanne, always accompanied Tarquin, on their brother's training trips. Though their father would often protest about this, the two sisters' persistence about watching and supporting Tarquin made Duke Winfred change his mind. However, the black day for the House of Salian would come when Alyssa was 10 years old. She could never form a perfect picture of what happened that day. All she knew was that it was the day Tarquin died, most likely to a dragon. Neither she nor Jeanne, who had accompanied Tarquin on the last day of his life, could remember why the trio ventured out alone, but both of them stumbled back home, with all sorts of injuries. They never found Tarquin's body, presumably eaten by the dragon that only Jeanne could remember. The day was compounded further, when Jonas, Kenrick and Claude were poisoned by a mysterious assailant during dinner. While all 3 survived, the poison destroyed their minds and bodies, and none of them were fit to even walk, let alone do anything more complex than eat, sleep and breathe. Duke Winfred, devastated by the death of Tarquin, and the further disasters that were inflicted on his 3 sons and 2 daughters, locked himself up in his quarters, refusing food or conversation with everyone. When Alyssa and Jeanne recovered from their injuries, it was 4 days after Tarquin's death. They learned of their father's despair, that the line of Salian would end, and no further warrior would take his place as the Iron Knight. But there was one thing no one expected. That the two sisters of Tarquin did not idly watch their brother's training. They learned almost as much as he did, and sneaked in some practice when no one was looking. The two sisters did not have formal training in the art of battle, but they were going to take up their father's mantle. When they suggested this to Duke Winfred, he gave them the last thing they expected him to give. His approval. The next 12 years were rough, as Alyssa and Jeanne both struggled to train to match their father's skill in combat. Alyssa had it easier though, since Jeanne, the older sister, was expected to train in her father's armour and move about in it as if it was her own skin. Alyssa's training was lighter physically, as her father concentrated on Alyssa's diplomatic skills. She was still quite the talented warrior after all that, but her elder sister trained enough to shrug off hits from wyverns. However, on account of a rumour that Tarquin had survived the day he went missing, Alyssa went off to search for him. That was 3 years ago. Alyssa travelled the lands of Exotria, Edea, Jinn, Geraden and Phoenia, hoping to find a trace of Tarquin. She met a few friends, got attacked by dragons twice, and got nicknamed 'Dragon-Bait' by a particularly smart-mouthed wizard kid. After 3 years, Alyssa decided that her search was fruitless, even as she never mentioned her conclusion to anyone. She would part with her companions on good terms a week ago when she decided to travel through some of the villages of Edea. She contemplated a trip back home, but shuddered at its likely conclusion. Alyssa could not imagine the tongue-lashing she would receive when she came back home, but the guilty part of her conscience, nagging her for leaving Jeanne alone, may have overpowered her fear of her father's anger. Alyssa would probably have gone back home straight after that thought, if she had not spent the night at a local tavern, just before the bandit raid that would change the path she decided to walk. Misc: If there'a dragon, it should 'aggro' her. Not for any real in-story reason. Probably for the same reason why Kellam in Awakenings is potentially the best ninja ever; because it'll be... funny?