Pony sighed as he breathed the 'fresh' air through his helmets air filters. He then checked his scanners as he watched over the wasteland a few moments before getting back into the cockpit and continuing on to Haven. The blue Gekka sailed across the sand leaving a cloud of sand and other particles behind it, the pilots attention turning to blips as they appeared on its radar and scanners. "Oh what do we have here?" the pilot grinned beneath his mask before starting off again. It would come into radar contact of the other mechs. However it quickly made it's way to August's side and suddenly stopped, glancing at the Reichsritter and Kitoro. The Gekka's head turned to the Moloch, "What the **** did he get into this time." the Gekka and it's pilot turned it's attention back to the Reichsritter. "Can't stay out of trouble can he...."