[hider=Kahya Saan, The Viera][center][b]CHARACTER SHEET[/b][/center] [u]Essential Information[/u] i. Name/Aliases: "My name is Kahya Saan." ii. Sex: "Viera are never anything other than female." iii. Age: "Normally, I'd tell you what a rude question that was, but in this scenario, I'll oblige... in human terms, I'm sixteen, but in my land, I am thirty-two." iv. Appearance: "I have black hair, which the others tell me is rather thick, and my eye color is a shade of amber, as is usual for my race. And, well, [i]yes[/i], these really are the ears of a lamb. Are we done?" v. Personality: "Generally, I consider myself to be a very level-headed individual; rather calm and even-tempered. I can be rather irritable when disturbed in my reading, but most times, I'm approachable... I think." vi. History: Brought up in the seclusion of the Forest of Genesis, as it is known in their tongue, Kahya was a quiet, smart and observant child. The viera were birthed from the Mother Tree, which contained the essence of Naduir in excess, which meant they possessed knowledge beyond the extraordinary, as the Mother Tree witheld the secrets of time within its spirit - Kahya was no different from the others. She too received the same wisdom, and she too grew up in the same manner the rest did. Her life was perfectly ordinary... ...except when a fire blazed throughout the Forest, annihilating the northern section and part of the Mother Tree. The Elders of the Forest were shocked and upset. There was no sign to indicate how the fire had begun. Or better yet, [i]who[/i] had started it. The viera thus began branching out, reaching out to different parts of the continent for help. Beasts after beasts were now attacking the Forest, emboldened at the lack of defenses. There was panic all around, and in the middle of it all was Kahya. She was confused. Frightened. Yet, above all, Kahya was determined. A mere youngling of twenty varsh (ten in human terms), she joined the Elven Force, which was a team of fighters ready to protect the Forest. Twelve long years of victoy, defeat, will and stubborness passed in the blink of an eye, and soon, Kahya became what she had never thought she could- A protector. Someone that her people could rely on. This, she realized, was just the beginning. [u]Optional Information[/u] i. Equipment: Pale green body armour of twisting, magically-reinforced elven wood; a pair of sharp black daggers; an amulet for luck. ii. Faction (If any): "Unless you count the state of being apathetic a "faction", no." iii. Marital Status: "Marriage? Please, no." iv. Magic (Mundane or Arcane): Mundane. v. Skills: [b]Mastery in[/b] acrobatics/gymnastics. [b]Good at[/b] healing minor wounds, moving swiftly and silently, crafting items or mixing potions, drawing. [B]Average at[/b] raw strength/sheer power, speaking confidently.[/hider]