What the hell, was she like eighteen or something. It didn't matter to him, he was to report to her, share some intel and get the fun started. Trevor extended his hand and gave her a firm handshake, "Pleasure is all mine. Northgate uh, it's one of a kind, I'm going to miss running people down with my truck though." he smiled a little, guessing she'd realize it was a joke, well partly so. "There are other cities trying to replicate what you have going on here which will most likely lead to similar, problematic groups popping up. The prediction is what starts with breaking curfew, leads to the spraying, which will just keep building up into more serious issues. My department wants to gather data and trends and all that kind of bullshit so we can try and hit it head on." he tucked his hands into the pockets of his hooded sweatshirt as he spoke. "I'm going to be frank with you, I couldn't care less about this graffiti thing, that's a local law so personally I'm going to try and nail them for federal drug or weapon charges. I'll help drag them in for anything but look at this this way, we both win regardless and they're off the streets. So what's the scoop anyway? Got any current leads? I'm itching to hit the streets, it's where I operate best." Trevor stated, tilting his head to the female as he waited for a response. He thought about offering twenty bucks a head as a competition, but he figured he'd wait to see how she operates first.