As the soft crinkle of sheets quickly tugging away from him he squinted his eyes open to observe who’d been making the noise. His head was pounding and he felt as if he was going to barf all of himself if he moved one more inch. The sun was almost nearly up and was shining brightly into his window. Sitting up in bed, he groaned and looked at the shadow of a person in the corner of his room, rummaging through something, clearing his groggy throat. He shifted. “Everything okay? Can I h---“Just then an incredible burning sensation tickled his throat, causing him to gag. A queasy feeling raced through his stomach and off to the bathroom he ran. After emptying the contents of his stomach and drinking some water, he reemerged into the bedroom only to find his friend and all her things, gone. He wasn't sure why there was such a hurry, it was the weekend and they didn't have school until Monday. He was baffled by it all, really. Shrugging his shoulders he stumbled over to his bed and flopped down on top of it. Not wanting to sleep anymore, he adjusted himself to a sitting position and placed the pillows behind his head, resting up against his bed’s headboard. Reaching over to grab the TV remote, he noticed something horrifying. Holding up the small package, he realized it was in fact, NOT empty. Feeling his heart sink in, his eyes grew wide as he tried like hell to remember the night before. He’d placed it on there “just in case” but he knew full well that something was going to happen, it always did. He shook his head and let out a sigh. This couldn't be happening. Not now. He still had some much left to do before even thinking about bringing a child into this world. He was still a child himself for god’s sake! One thing was for sure, nothing would [i]ever[/i] be the same again..