[quote=tobiax] I see. Thanks. So, symbiosis is a thing. Sounds awesome. Oh, I could enjoy this. Haha, another Animorphs fan I see. I never read it either, haha. [/quote] Well, I was a fan, but I started and stopped reading through them quite a few years ago... Was I even a teenager then? O.o Maybe I should pick it up again. Symbiosis is most definitely a thing, in and out of your own power field. What I would like to see is how player-gods communicate without any medium other than their species growth, and no language. Then again, time will be sped up immensely in this roleplay... Might need to fix something there. [quote=UnendingEmpire] Swinging in to ask if you've got room for one more~Herbivorous insectoid orange slime things are fun :3(or whatever else if I find a random adjective generator) [/quote] Always room for more, I'm not fond of player limits. Welcome, insect slime.[quote=Lost in my Mind] How many people are you looking for before you go on to the next step? [/quote] This is pretty much good enough, and I have spare time. Let's roll. [quote=Tatsua Aiisen] This could be cool, although I'm not entirely certain~ [/quote] Considering that there will be free species floating around, it won't be particularly hard to jump in (except maybe at the very start... Oh irony), so take your time.