"Fair enough," Thomas eventually says after a long moment of silence spent studying Liza. "Though for the record, your hair is pretty. I doubt anyone here will have much to say about me though. Nobody really knew me besides Sierra. Who knows that they'll make up or speculate though." Falling silent, he spends a moment chewing the inside of his lip and staring into space. Nobody here knew enough about him to present any real information that couldn't be taken from the school's database. That didn't mean they wouldn't bring up every suspicion and stray thought they had about him to the detectives. "Everyone's got something to hide. Nobody is perfect." [i]Not even the straight A honor student who never misses a day, never does anything wrong. Everyone's got a skeleton in their closet. Just so happens that the only person to see mine ended up dead,[/i] he added to himself, more than a little bitter about the whole thing. "Yeah, she was my friend. Only person here who really called me that," Thomas finished, eyes falling to the table. In the past, the only people to talk to him besides Sierra either hated him for the apparent ease with which he earned his grades, or saw him as an easy target. The list had given him a reason to talk to others though, and who was he to waste that chance? Besides, they all had a common tie already. Maybe now it was time to put together a full picture of who Sierra really was, to all of them. "I know I just kind of showed up out of the blue, but I'm glad we can talk. I've been alone with my thoughts for too long, and I doubt anyone else would have listened to or put up with me." His mother certainly wouldn't have, not that she was ever around. The others on the list probably barely knew who he was, and everyone else avoided him for fear of being caught up in the whole mess.