For those new to the form of T1, it is a common logic way of text fighting. Even though it is based off the imagination, logic in life still exists within the T1. Respect, Honor, and Trust are all key points needed to have a clean fun form of competition amongst one on one, or multiples against one. Order and communication is most important when dealing the starting posts in the T1. T1 is a multi-style way of fighting that has been in RP a very long time. T1 is the first style of text combat that was accepted across a multitude of text role-playing sites back in the late 1990's and early part of this century that a player could learn and take to another site and expect it to be recognized with very little modifications. Where as up to that point there had been a slew of competing and often very convoluted styles that did not translate well when carried from site to site. Hence T1 is Type 1.