[b]Name:[/b] Surren'dal Wrehtc [b]Age:[/b] ??? [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Shinigami (Inspired by Death Note shinigami, but not the same. There are many types of [url= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinigami]shinigami[/url] according to lore) [b]Appearance:[/b] He's a pure black figure, as if always in shadow, besides his small glowing beady yellow eyes. He has no other facial features, or any defining features at all besides the outline of his hard to distinguish form. It appears like he's wearing a cloak of some sort and has multiple spindly wings projecting out of his back, upper arms, and lower legs. He has three toed feet that looks like a raptor and his fingers are long and spindly like his wings. [b]Personality:[/b] Despite being a very frightening being, as he's trying to be (given his job), there are a few things that diminish this the longer you get to know him. The first is his, quite frankly, completely idiotic level of intelligence. It's not even an animalistic form of intelligence, but that of a naive child who can get tricked by the littlest things. He's the horror villain that wouldn't find the victim if he's hiding underneath the covers, as if he doesn't have a good sense of object permanence, forgetting that hiding things are still around like a poorly programmed npc guard in a stealth shooter. He can also get bribed by simple things as long as it is pleasurable to him. He doesn't show mercy out of any sense of pity. He'd be willing to kill anyone. [b][u]Abilities[/u][/b] [b]Physical Abilities-[/b] He can travel up to 60 miles an hour and is strong enough to burst down doors with ease, lift people up single handedly, and cut through steel armor with his fingers. His defense doesn't seem to be very high, but that doesn't matter much to him as he seems impossible to take down regardless of how much normal damage he sustains. Cut him up a million times with a knife and he just continues on like normal. The best bet is to forcefully knock him back or use magic, which can make him flinch away or be otherwise effected, such as freezing solid in ice magic. He can't get tired and doesn't need to eat, drink, sleep, breath, etc. [b]Environmental Effects-[/b] Just being around lowers the temperature in the air to chilling levels and fills living things with a sense of foreboding dread. This often scares off all nearby animals capable of running away. [b][u]Powers[/u][/b] [b]Teleportation-[/b] He can phase in and out between the shinigami world and the real world. Where he teleports in is up to him. The process requires 5 seconds and he's incredibly vulnerable while doing so. [b]Hover-[/b] He can hover and fly around with ease. [b]Regeneration-[/b] He can near instantaneously recover from any physical damage. Magical damage takes a bit longer, and light damage the longest. [b]Extension-[/b] His fingers can extend to lengths of 5 feet like spears. Touching any point of his fingers cuts like a knife. [b]Energy draining-[/b] Prolonged contact with any point on his body absorbs all of their energy eventually. [b][u]Weaknesses[/u][/b] *Light/Day Time forces him back and pains him, the only thing which can. Getting a light inside of his body is the only way to kill him. *His intellect is incredibly poor [b][u]Bio[/u][/b] As a shinigami he's tasked with killing people who should be dead to preserve the natural balance and order of the universe. Even the slightest, seemingly inconsequential actions might change the entire world, so common people can become their targets just as easily as revolutionaries. Surren'dal is given the easy, unsuspecting targets most often, missions where he's the least likely to mess things up. His poor intellect has left him as the laughing stock of the shinigami, although he doesn't realize when he's the butt of their jokes. A common joke is a pun on his name, which sounds like the human word for "surrender". They give him missions and bet on wither or not he will succeed. He does succeed enough to be of use, and if he does fail then it often leads to a horrified victim who spreads horror stories about him. He likes the recognition, especially when people fear him as they should, so doesn't mind some witnesses every now and then.