The Nation has been commonly called as the Zill, otherwise, that-very-hostile-and-horrible-alien-species-that-likes-killing-people-which-is-only-spoken-in-whispers The information listed here is all the information that has been discovered, and as majority of the Nations that have witnessed (because it is extremely rare to survive from it) it choose to share the information they discover so they can all bring an end to its terror, it is compiled here. [hider=Part One] Nation Name: The Zill Ruling Factor: [i]Unknown[/i] Description of Ruling Factor: There appears to be some intelligence, some taking commands, and others giving commands. Nation Type: Lesser Nation Option: [i]Unknown[/i] Government Structure: [i]Unknown[/i] Nation Population: [i]Unknown, presumed to be in numbers that do not exist, as it has only been seen for them to stop[/i][/hider] [hider=Part Two] Species: There are several different species in this grouping, but it seems as though they all come from the same hivemind. Species Information: The several amount of species within the grouping is not an allied force, they are intelligent, but not very. Their intelligence level may be similar to that of a wolf pack. At first, they are very docile, but tend to avoid other creatures. It is known that they only appear in the small sparks of war, and only attack, once another nation has went on a full scale attack. Average Lifespan: [i]Unknown[/i] Species Characteristics: Each ground force creature looks different, but several can look the same, something similar to a different gene pool for each type. When a war is sparking through small amounts of weapon fire, they start appearing all over, near the initial attack. However, they are only, what seems like, scouting. It is not recommended to provoke these scouts. Health wise, they are very weak, and very, very easy to kill. It only takes a couple of shots from the weakest weapon to take them down. But they come in horde's, and their melee tactics have their arms like scythes that can slice through almost anything. When armor can't be cut through, they have biological artillery, and larger, somewhat giant creatures that attack, that can range to 20 feet high. But they only seem to attack those they deem a death sentence to. If they sense another species, they act as docile towards it as the original scouts do. Once the species is eliminated, no more spawn, they just begin to die off. They appear to act as a curse, which is why no body has been taken for examining. The term "Marked for Death" is commonly used as an insult to other Nations if they produce threats to another. Dominant Species/Society: It seems the most common, or most dominant species is the most common warrior type, but they could be mere drones Moral Values: [i]Unknown[/i] Religion: [i]Unknown[/i] Culture: [i]Unknown[/i] Species Traits: Excessive Breeding - The Zill can reproduce dozens at a time, millions at a time on planets, and it only takes weeks for eggs to hatch. Extreme Biological Weaponry - The Zills weapons (scythe arms or biological artillery) are extremely strong against infantry and vehicles when grouped with many. Zill Flesh - The Zill bodies are very, very weak. a simple punch to any part of the body can shutdown their brain. Society/Species History: The first sightings were from when two original Nations were in a century long Cold War, until one Nation went on the attack. The other Nation did nothing but defend itself, but they were both still marked for death. The Cold war had lasted almost over a hundred years, but the Zill first appeared in the first 70 or so years. After that, small groupings saw the two as enemies, and made small attacks, like that of wolves or velociraptors attacking their prey, so they were treated as new animals by the Nations. The groups didn't grow any larger until the first Nation went to fullscale war. That is when the Zill ships began appearing.[/hider] [hider=Part Three] Power Technology: Anything they fight with seems to be alive, so to say... with a beating heart Engine: [i]Unknown[/i] Weapon Type(s): The ground forces uses slicing melee moves, and the artillery units fire some sort of plasma. Cybertronics: [i]Unknown, presumed none[/i] Biotech: [i]Unknown, presumed none[/i][/hider] [hider=Part Four] Space [img=] Ship Name: Zill Carrier Classification: 7 Ship Type: Carrier/Hive Role: Transports and launches Zill creatures on planets or into ships like asteroids Crew: [i]Unknown[/i] Weapons: Fires dozens of eggs or carapace molded pods, which do immense physical damage to shields until it wears them down and begins crashing into the ship, where Zill creatures infest, pods that did not break through a shield, simply hatch in space and seem to leave for a time, allowing them to grab onto ships and tear them up from the outside. Countermeasures: [i]Unknown, presumed none[/i] Power Plant: Presumed to be a living organism FTL Drive: [i]Unknown[/i] Additional Information: The ships can die almost similarly to the Zill creatures. Upon taking several hits, it will stop launching pods and merely drift, but these things fire barrages of pods, which can almost act as a shield towards weaponry. Once the pods start launching, there doesn't seem to be an end until all Zill Carriers are destroyed, or all enemy ships are destroyed. Ground [img=] Troop: Zill Warrior/Drone Classification: 1 Role: Warrior/Drone Weapons: Scyth Arms, Fangs Additional Information: Has slight armor, can't withstand much more than what others can [img=] Troop: Zill Infiltrator Classification: .7 Role: Scout/Infiltrator, used to find passages passed bunkered defenses. Weapons: Fangs/Horns, claws, devastating, bone breaking headbutt Additional Information: No armor whatsoever, but can be very quiet. Seems to be blind, can only sense by smell, sound, or vibrations [img=] Troop: Zill Artillery Classification: .9 Role: Long range bombardment (single, slow firing) Weapons: Plasma projectile Additional Information: When the plasma hits an unshielded target, organic or metallic, it seems to cause an almost napalm effect, where it sticks to whatever it hits and burns or melts, and does not stop until the plasma itself has burned off. It is lightly armored, but only in specific areas. The armor is as strong as the Drones armor [img=] Troop: Zill Controller/Leader/Commander Classification: 1.4 Role: Has been seen interacting or "communicating" with other Zill, giving orders and appears strategic Weapons: Can spew acid Additional Information: Has been seen able to counter enemy defenses where Zill without commands can not break through. If seen, attack is recommended, if not encouraged. These Zill do not normally attack, usually run, but if cornered and alone, it can strike, harshly [img=] (First and only sighting of the Terrdrone. Last Location: First Nation to be attacked, when in their last stand. The defending Nation) Troop: Zill Terrordrone Classification: 4.5 Role: Breaks Blockade, supports smaller units... TBD (To Be Discovered) Weapons: Impaling Arms (Does blunt damage) Additional Information: Can withstand almost anything thrown at it (Think the Cloverfield monster, but only slightly bigger than a semi truck). It is extremely rare, so rare, only a single sighting of it has ever been found. The Nation that had been attacked by it had manage to kill it, but when they focused fire, they allowed other Zill to infiltrate their defenses, leading to their demise.[/hider]