[img=http://planetpailly.files.wordpress.com/2011/02/kepler-11-star-system.jpg] The timescale isn't minutes, hours, or weeks per post, but years. In the course of the RP, I'd aim for us covering about 200 years or so, at least. Planets can communicate through the music of the spheres - literally vibrating cosmic strings. The planets in this system have been around for millenia. They all know each other. Solus, the sun of this solar system, is starting to make some very weird noises. Noises suspiciously like it might go nova soon. Meanwhile, Arth has started to eject its filthy, stinking Hoomens into space! At this rate, they might contaminate the whole system. Yet, they appear to be the only hope in possibly preventing Solus from going nova. Think of Solus like a giant whale. It's really big, it makes some strange noises, it's definitely alive, but nobody understands it, and nobody knows if it's actually intelligent. [u]Planet Sheet:[/u] |Planet Type: [Gas giant, Rocky, Asteroid Belt] |Atmosphere?: [yes/no] |Description/Picture: [no intelligent life!] |Moons (if any): +Description: |Temperment: [personality] |Distance from Solus: [hider=Example] |Planet Name: Arth |Planet Type: Rocky |Atmosphere: Yes |Description/Picture: 30% water, absolutely teeming with life, home to the intelligent life in the Solus system - the Hoomens: hot pink, two-armed, two-legged humanoids. |Moons (if any): One, called "Oon" +Description: Rocky, atmosphere-less, heavily cratered, 45% of the size of Arth. |Temperment: Grumpy. Arth has been plagued with Hoomans for a while. Recently Arth has been threatening to push them onto the rest of the solar system, and they've actually managed to get to Oon, so the threats have gradually become more and more threatening. |Distance from Solus: 92,960,000 miles [/hider] Anybody interested?