[quote=Kadaeux] Did you pick that Knights icon for the start of the thread title in order to represent the dead horse we'll all be beating on? [/quote] Nope, actually i like horses. Totally my reasoning behind that & i couldn't find other types of "font animals" . xD After thinking about it for awhile, most people have came to find that a mix of both creationism and evolution is another choice. There is no doubt that a mammal's brain is engineered in such a fashion to adapt to the outside environment to survive over years- we know this because over time, there were major climate changes, natural disasters that caused for a change. I suppose that a species unable to adapt had became extinct at that point, but some do blame the extintion of the species of dinosaurs on an event in the bible, i believe it was an earth-wide flood. Some has claimed 'biblical historical evidence' on some of this. This article had interested me in the coexisting of both , [url=http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/10/1018_041018_science_religion_2.html] here [/url] these words in there stuck out the most to me ""Even as science progresses in its reductionist fashion, moving towards deeper, simpler, and more elegant understandings of particles and forces, there will still remain a 'why' at the end as to why the ultimate rules are the way they are," said Ted Sargent, a nanotechnology expert at the University of Toronto." as to why this thread doesn't need to last long, i was assigned a creationism vs evolution essay due in about 3 hours (procrastination at it's finest) , and in this thread, it has already given me things to address. This is the type of topic that not everyone will agree on, as say abortion (prochoice vs prolife) or Gay rights. There's always a crowd that doens't agree with one another. The universe is incredibly wondrous, incredibly beautiful, and it fills me with a sense that there is some underlying explanation that we have yet to fully understand, and if someone wants to label that with god evolution, or both, that's okay with me.