I had another idea for a RP (If you happen to have seen my other RP thread I mean... I have made a lot lately.) The plot isn't really set in stone, as the role the characters will play isn't either. There are two paths that the players can choose from the start, and it will of course change how the RP unfolds. So here's the story for the world this will take place in. The human race has been at its own throat since the dawn of time. At least that's what we have been told, and it's not so hard to believe with how often wars are started. In the year 2027 the world was moving towards World War 3, and everyone was ready to fight. And they would have, if it hadn't been for the arrival of an unknown military. Massive ships appeared in the skies over every nation with the same markings on their hulls. Technology had been gradually advancing in recent years, but mankind was still far from having the required technology to have such massive flying battleships. The first thought was that aliens had finally made their appearance on Earth, but this was far from the truth. The leader of this super power came forth. It was a person adorning bright white and silver armor, with a large horn on the helmet. The helmet masked the voice, so nobody would know anything about this person. This leader proclaimed themself as General Centaurius, and in a message to the entire world stated that the path of mankind would change forever. In the video feed form the announcement, there were clearly humans in the background standing guard, so the world marked this General Centaurius as a human. The General proclaimed that from that day forward, anyone who sought to make an act of war would be punished by the military might of this fleet that covered the world. The General said that war would no longer be acceptable on Earth, and that it was a crime punishable by annihilation. The General demanded that the world leaders swear their allegiance, that Centaurius would be the new leader of the entire world. Many, too afraid of the consequences of the looming fleets above their cities, accepted the offer and bowed before their new leader. Others became skeptical, and made many demands. They demanded to know who this General really was, where they had gotten such advanced technology, let alone the massive quantity of ships and the manpower to control them. Others questioned whether this was all real or not, claiming the ships could be some form of illusion, a trick so that one person may try and take over the world like in the movies. Some would seek to threaten this new rulers rein of peace, questioning their true intentions. Why would someone come along and simply seek to abolish war, and claim themselves to be the new single world leader? It doesn't make sense to many... and many, will fight what they don't understand. The General came forward again recently to answer many of the questions put forth. In the video feed from the flagship orbiting the planet, there was a simple statement that answered much, and set in motion events that cannot be avoided. The General removed her helmet and reveled herself to the world as a human girl, and simply said, "I am General Centaurius, future Queen of the world. You will bow to me and submit yourselves to peace, or you will be annihilated for aggression against the innocent." This is where the decision comes in. Who do you want to be? What side of the story do you want to tell? Do you want to join the rebellion and fight against this woman calling herself the future Queen of the world? Or would you stand by her side, embracing a future free of war and free of corrupt governments, and put your own life on the line to see that future come true? Basically, this RP can be one of two things. Either it can be a PvP RP in which different players take on roles from both sides and fight each other, or all players will stick to one single side of the conflict and that'st he perspective the RP will follow. Either way, there are many secrets to be uncovered, from where this massive fleet of advanced ships came from along with all the men and women aboard them, to why they follow this woman and seek to put her on a throne atop the world. Is there corruption abound or does she honestly seek to rid the world of war and bring about an era of peace? Nothing is certain... that's why you must choose what you believe. Roles for this RP are a simple choice, and what exactly is available will be discussed if there is enough interest. These are some examples though: Original Honor Guard: These are the people who were part of the Queen's fleet before she proclaimed herself as the future ruler to the world. They are the original army, and are extremely loyal. They already consider the General their Queen, and address her as such. Nothing could change their faith in her, even if she completely turned her back on the promises she made. They would follow her to the ends of the Earth no matter what that involved. New World Loyalist: These are the people who desire the future the General promises, and have taken up arms in her name to help assure it becomes a reality. They are loyal to the promised future more than they are to the future Queen, and they only serve her because of that very future they have been promised. Their faith is easily broken if they do not have anything to believe in. They are looked down on the Honor Guard due to their lack of loyalty to the future Queen, but still treated with respected by them for doing their part to assure the coming future. Rebellion Extremist: These are the people who believe with all their heart that the future Queen is evil, and intends to oppress the people. They believe that if she bcomes ruler of the world, that the world will come to an end, or at the very least mankind will be enslaved under her rule. They will do anything to stop her army, though there isn't really much they CAN do. Have you ever tried to stop a fleet of spaceships that cover the world with modern weaponry? (I'm looking at you people who have played Earth Defense Force!) Rebels: These are the people who are common rebels. That's not to say there's nothing special about them, just that they believe they should fight against the future Queen's rule. They aren't nearly as extreme as others, but they still do their part to fight the loyalists. It doesn't take much for them to change their ways though, and more and more rebels are pledging themselves to serve the future Queen every day. Slowly, the future Queen is winning over the entire world. Every day more rebels join the cause for a brighter future, and the rebellion grows smaller. They need either a miracle to win, or they will be crushed. Whether they are truly fighting the good fight however, is yet to be seen. After all, they could very well be truly fighting against a peaceful future without war. Anyone interested?