The next day, Balinsky went on his routine as usual, thinking occasionally about the surprise he had planned for his guests occasionally through the day. Once things went their normal route; customers leaving faster than they are going in, the brightness outside beginning to fade, he began his preparations. He had turned the elevated booth area into something sort of a lounge room and moved out the chairs and tables dividing it from the balcony area. In the lounge area had two t.vs with one hooked up to a game system. Nothing too flashy, just enough to show his appreciation. Soon enough, the girl was first to enter, not with two or three more dogs, but SIX at her side. A weimarainer, a scottish dearhound (who seemed to have a front leg and his neck wrapped in bandage) , a silver shar pei , a black and white shepherd husky mix, and a salt and pepper schnauzer all tagged along with her usual saluki, carrying an air much like the dog. As she promised, the dogs were very calm and spent their time under her seat by her foot, but that didn't keep Mr. Balinsky from being a bit unsettled.