Her attention had been captivated by the golden eyed, white haired divine sitting before her as he fumbled for words, her mind's curiosity and wonder pushing out all her negative emotions and thoughts temporarily. Watching him, her face crinkled slightly as her head tilted when he muttered to himself - angels certainly were not as well-versed and eloquent as she would've thought. Perhaps it was because he appeared to be so young, she thought just before he announced his title as her guarding angel. Hearing that news stunned her once more, causing her to sit back straight up and her eyes to widen. As he went on, she could only blink at his words for a moment. The information he gave immediately turned her curiosity and wonder into sorrow and pain. Her clenched fist which had formed at the news rose to her chest as tears began to form and emotion was evident as she said, "I didn't want to cheat death. If you're my guardian angel, then you would see that. This life is meaningless and worthless. I'm just taking up resources that others who want to be here could be using."