[quote=Grim327]One question I need answered before I give my interest, though im probably blind and didnt read it. Anyway, which kind of rules are we using? I never cared for these newer rules (synchro-summon, etc.) The original rules were nice and simple. Just something I need clearing up[/quote] We'll be using up-to-date rules. I'll stick a hider at the bottom of this post as a quick cover of what's what, though there's no reason you can't win with an old-fashioned deck. Part of me thinks that was the objective of these Pendulum monsters, to be honest :P [quote=VarionusNW]will duels be done on here, or in another program, such as dueling network, or devpro?@Grim- if you read, it is stated about turbo duels (gen 3 style duels) so we may be using gen 3 to current rules. I personally prefer the complex, fleshed out game that it is now, rather than the slow, old version.[/quote] As Roxas said, it would be easiest to do duels here on RPG, since this RP is allowing custom cards provided they're not crazy broken like DWs or Heraldics. Unless somebody here happens to know how to script YGOPro cards and would be willing to take our cards on, that's the only solution I see ^_^ [hider=That hider I promised]Synchro Summon - Done by combining the Levels of a face-up Tuner you control and at least one non-Tuner. If I want to Synchro Summon Stardust Dragon, a Level 8 Synchro, and my only monster is Celtic Guardian, who stands at Level 4, I'll need either a Level 4 Tuner, or a combination of lower-level Tuners and non-Tuners that add up to 4, plus the Guardian for 8. Some Synchros require specific Tuners or non-Tuners (for instance, Majestic Star Dragon demands use of the Tuner "Majestic Dragon" and Shooting Quasar Dragon requires not one, but two non-Tuners who are both Synchro monsters themselves) but these are generally rare cases. Xyz Summon - Like Synchro Summon, but with multiple monsters of the same Level. Say I want to summon Wind-Up Zenmaines, a Rank 3 (Xyz have Rank instead of Level, so they're unaffected by cards that affect Level) monster, again saying my only monster is Celtic Guardian. Unless I manage to bring his Level down to 3, or summon two Level 3 monsters, I won't be getting Zenmaines out anytime soon. Pendulum Monsters - These guys are new, but okay so far. Each Pendulum Monster has a Level [i]AND[/i] a Scale. By putting Pendulum Monsters in their own unique zones bordering the rest of your field (they're apparently treated as Spell Cards when there) you'll be able to Pendulum Summon any number of monsters from your Hand whose Level is between the Scales of each monster. Say my two Pendulum Monsters were Magician of Chronomancy (Scale 1) and Magician of Astromancy (Scale 8) and I have Celtic Guardian, Summoned Skull, and Blue-Eyes White Dragon in my hand. I can summon the first two since 4 & 6 are appropriate Levels between the Scales of 1 & 8, but since Blue-Eyes is Level 8, I can't summon him like this. It should also be noted that if more than one monster is Pendulum Summoned, and the opponent activates Bottomless Trap Hole or another such card, it affects every monster you've just summoned. EDIT: I nearly forgot, Pendulum Monsters have different effects depending on if they're being used as monsters or as Pendulums. Recent changes to core rules - There's only two changes made to YGO's core engine. One, the player who goes first can't draw a sixth card on their first turn. Two, both players can have their own Field Spell at the same time. The effects of each Field Spell will be applied to both sides of the field, so if each player had Mystic Plasma Zone as their field (increases the ATK of DARK monsters by 500) my Armageddon Knight would be at 2400 ATK instead of 1400.[/hider] Watch you already know all this and I just wasted a good ten minutes of my life, lol. Also, we seem to have a fair bit of interest. I'll get working on an OOC probably today. EDIT: It looks like crap at the moment, but [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/23844/posts/ooc?page=1#post-654971]we have a thread[/url]